Twenty-five of the best fruits and nuts found in the
rain forest and savanna areas of northwest Congo, AFRICA

Clear The book, "CONGO NATIVE FRUITS" is your opportunity to learn more about this interesting subject and the work of the Evangelical Covenant Church among the people of northeast Congo. Roy Danforth and Paul Noren have spent several years working with the indigenous peoples of north east Congo (formerly Zaire) in an effort to bring agricultural self-sufficiency to the region.

ClearThis third edition of the book, published in July 1997, has been expanded from earlier editions, including more photographs than previously, and the latest information on field studies by Roy and Paul at the Loko Agroforestry Program in Congo. Please read the INTRODUCTION to this new edition of the book, and feel free to browse a couple of the PHOTOS before ordering.

ClearBe sure to view the Congo's Garden of Eden, a beautiful four-color poster featuring the bountiful produce of Congo. The poster is 14x22 inches, and is printed on the back with a description of the fruits on the front.

Clear To order the book, the poster, or both, just click to bring up a printable ORDER FORM. All of the authors profits will be contributed directly to the Loko Agroforestry Program.

If you have any questions,
be sure to e-mail ROYEmail
or, you can e-mail PAULEmail




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