starammi ministry

Ministry Press Release

This press release is provided by AMMI Ministry for your use in promoting our ministry. Please feel free to reproduce this for newspapers, church bulletins, etc.

Raised in a religious Jewish home and trained in Judaism, Rev. Ron Elkin, began a search for spiritual truth in l966 which led him from Philadelphia, PA, to India, to California. In l976, he became convinced that Jesus was the promised Messiah of Israel. After trusting in Jesus, Rev. Elkin, returned to Philadelphia, PA and began a successful pest control company. Later, his burden to bring the Gospel to Jewish people increased. While supervising his business, he completed the Jewish missions program at Philadelphia College of Bible and graduated with honors. He has also attended Biblical Seminary. Rev. Elkin is complemented in his ministry by his wife, Jackie, who is an award-winning graphic designer. In l984, the Elkins began AMMI Ministry to reach some of the 350,000 Jewish people in the Philadelphia area. In spite of death threats, their ministry has distributed over 800,000 tracts. Many Jews and Gentiles have come to faith in Jesus through these efforts. Their ministry is presently focused on the 77,000 Russian-speaking Jewish refugees that have fled persecution in the former USSR and moved to Philadelphia. Through English and Bible classes, these refugees are learning how to live in America and also hearing the Good News of Jesus the Messiah. In addition to evangelism, Rev. Elkin, has ministered in hundreds of churches, Bible Colleges and Seminaries from Mississippi to Vermont. Rev. Elkin enjoys teaching Christians about the roots of their faith as seen in the Feasts of Israel and the Messianic Prophecies. His enthusiastic teachings show the unity of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. And the wonderful plan and accomplishment of God's salvation for the human race through Messiah Jesus. We encourage you to hear this dynamic speaker and to bring a friend.

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