Feasts of Israel


First Fruits & Pentecosts

Fall Feasts

Non-Biblical Festivals


Jewish Culture

Evangelism Sunday School

Evangelism Sermon

Motivational Sermon



starammi ministry

Church & School Presentations

Christ in the Feasts of Israel

God has given the church a wonderful picture of Christ's ministry; past, present, and future through the seven Feast of Israel. AMMI presentations are Christ-centered and taught from a reform perspective. The teachings show the connection between the Feast Days and Christianity and are appropriate for worship services and Sunday School classes. Churches have also scheduled these programs on days other than Sunday and have had good attendance. For example, a midweek prayer night or a fellowship dinner on a Friday or Saturday.

Gospel Presented

The prophetic details of the feasts are used to challenge unbelievers to repent and believe in Jesus, and believers to rejoice in their salvation, and serve the Lord with a grateful heart. The illustrative nature of the presentations makes the Word of God memorable and exciting for adults and children.

Attract Visitors

The Feast day presentations are popular and will often bring out visitors. It is also a good opportunity for your members to bring unsaved people to hear the Gospel in a unique manner. A publicity kit is sent to each church hosting an AMMI presentation. It contains a press release, photograph of our representative and a graphic flyer suitable for a church bulletin or for the general public.

Christ in the Passover

Christ in the Passover is a popular presentation. It ties in with Easter and the Lord's Supper. A demonstration table is set up with objects and elements used in Jewish homes to remember the Exodus story. These elements are used during the 50-minute presentation (time can be adjusted) to explain the prophetic picture of the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ. The background of the Lord's Super is also explained. Often churches will have the celebration of communion in conjunction with the Passover Demonstration.

Demonstration or Dinner

There are two ways the Passover can be presented:

A table is set with the Passover elements and our speaker stands behind the table and uses the items to bring the message.
Passover Dinner
The people sit at tables with some of the same elements on the demonstration table. Our speaker stands behind the demonstration table and leads in the Passover. The congregation actively participates in the program by tasting food and drink, reading Scripture, reciting prayer, and other activities. It is a wonderful learning experience which is enjoyable for children and adults. There is an option to serve a meal or desserts after the main part of the demonstration (approximately l hour). Any food may be served. If the church wants to try authentic Jewish food, AMMI will supply a suggested menu and recipes. Many churches have had us present Christ in the Passover Dinners on Friday, Saturday and other week nights in addition to teaching at Sunday or Wednesday services.

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First Fruits and Pentecost

These Feasts focus on our dependence on God for our physical and spiritual well-being, the resurrection of Jesus, the Gospel, God's ongoing harvest of souls into His Kingdom and the unity and nature of the church.

The Fall Feasts

Beautiful artistic overheads are available to illustrate this presentation.

Trumpets focuses on the Holiness of God, the return of the Lord and the promise of resurrection and eternal life.
The Day of Atonement emphasizes God's Judgment and the reality of hell, the need to repent and believe in Jesus and His forgiveness and grace through Jesus Christ.
The Feast of Tabernacles illustrates God's abundant provision, our intimate relationship with Him and the Kingdom of God, the eternal home of believers.

Non-Biblical Festivals

Feast of Dedication/Hanukkah illustrates how God preserved Judaism and the Temple so that Christ could interact within these institutions at His advent. It also illustrates loyalty to God, His ability to help people overcome difficulty and the servant hood of Jesus.

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Purim illustrates God's providential care for His people. It also teaches how God can help us through difficult circumstances. It focuses on the book of Esther. This teaching may be presented in two ways:

Worship Service or Sunday School Teaching or Sermon


Theatrical Play

The different characters in the book of Esther have parts assigned them. The wording for the parts is from the NIV Bible. Church members read the words and act them out. The AMMI speaker does the narration and brings a brief summary teaching. Also, if the church approves, noise makers are passed out to the children and adults. Every time the name of Haman is mention, the audience tries to drown out his name, just as they do in the synagogue. It is great fun and the Word of God is presented in a unique and memorable manner.

Highlights of Jewish Culture

This is an appropriate Sunday School class topic. A slid show and handout are used to show the highlights of the major aspect of Jewish culture.

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Jewish Evangelism: Sunday School Class

A 40-50 minute Sunday School presentation, using a handout and artistic overheads. This program gives a basic understanding of the correct approach when witnessing to Jewish people.

Jewish Evangelism Sermon

Seeing the Jewish People Through the Eyes of Jesus
This sermon uses beautifully design overheads (approved by church) to illustrate the difficulty of witnessing to Jewish people; the Christian's responsibility to demonstrate love toward all people groups; and his need to be diligent in his study of the Bible to avoid false doctrines. The teaching/sermon may be presented effectively without overheads.

Motivational Sermons

"Overcoming Fear" is a teaching based on Deut. 31 and the life of Old Testament prophets. This sermon urges the believers to trust in the Lord to accomplish all He has called them to do in all areas of life.
"The Discipleship of Evangelism" is a teaching focusing on the necessity for all of us to be ambassadors for Christ. It also gives encouragement and tools for preparing for evangelism.

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Teaching References

Listed below are ministers who will validate with authority the teachings presented by AMMI Ministry.

Rev. Jim Salminen, Frazier Memorial United Methodist Church; Montgomery, Alabama
Rev. Ken Autrey, Kingswood United Methodist; Mobile, Alabama
Rev. Fred Wolf, Cottage Hill Baptist Church; Mobile, Alabama
Rev. Doug Winne, Lancaster Evangelical Free Church; Lititz, Pennsylvania
Rev. Mike Garrigan, Shades Valley Community Evangelical Free Church; Birmingham, Alabama
Rev. Billy Barnes, Briarwood Presbyterian Church, PCA; Birmingham, Alabama
Rev. C. Smith, Glynwood Baptist Church; Prattville, Alabama
Rev. J. Kovalchuk, Greater Philadelphia Baptist Association
Rev. R. J. Caines, Covenant Presbyterian Church, PCA; Chattanooga, Tennessee

Booking Information

Please call our office at (215) 843-7964 or
send mail to Ron Elkin, director of AMMI Ministry. For more information on our founder, director and main teacher...see the testimony of Rev. Ron Elkin.

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