When I first started contemplating HRT I searched for information about the drugs used. There was no one place that had what I wanted to know, so I made a place. All the information for the Male>Female medications is directed at post-menopausal women, not directly at Male>Female. There have not really been any long term studies on the long term use of HRT drugs on Transsexuals. I guess, in a sense, we are all guinea pigs in this study.
Amongst this information you will find no dosage information. This is something that needs to be decided by YOU and your doctor. Please remember these medications are VERY dangerous if misused. Improperly administered they can even result in death. That is NOT the desired result. This information is here so that you can make informed decisions as to your care.One thing I will say is that for best results you have to have your levels at least at pubertal level. Lets face it. That's exactly what you are doing. Forcing your body into puberty. Anything less will not give the best possible results. Many doctors suggest levels up near the HMG levels shown below.
Hormone Levels
Normal hormone levels for genetic males and females
Estrogen :
( pg/ml )
Conversion factors depending on
which "standard" your lab uses:
Thanks to several people
smarter than me that figured this all out.
Multiply the pg/ml of
by 3.671 to get pmol/l.
Example:Multiply the ng/dl of testosterone by 34.67 to get pmol/l.
If your Estrogen is 435pg/ml
435x3.671=1596.885 or 1597pmol/l
Example:Divide the value of the "pg" by ten (10) [ Move the decimal point one place to the left. ] then change the "ml" to "dl" to convert to "ng/dl".
If your Testosterone is .16ng/dl
.16x34.67=5.5472 or 5.5pmol/l
If your Testosterone is 1.6pg/ml
Fact Sheets
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