My Dream World

This is just a view I would like to have from my mountain top home ..... when I win the lottery ............. or ............. my sketches become famous!

I created this on a paint program one day at work.  You can definitely tell my mind was not on my work.  I didn't get it finished.  Dreams are never finished.  They are just put away for that someday when there will be time................

My Barn

Paint programs are not my medium.  I prefer pencil and pastels.  I sketch faces.  I love old, wrinkled faces that have seen life.  Young, pretty, smooth faces are like a blank canvas ... just waiting for someone to draw a mark ... to add knowledge and make a wrinkle ...

When the day comes that this dreamer has finally acquired a scanner, maybe I'll share some of my sketches with you.  Between now and then, this dreamer had better practice or it will really just be a dream and never a reality.  I have only a very few that I would put up right now and most of them unfinished.

Michael bought us a scanner some time ago, but I haven't practiced my drawing. I decided I would upload one of the sketches I did of John Wayne one night. I'm kinda proud of it. It was taken from a picture of him in "The Green Berets".

Thought I'd play with my button maker!!

I guess I'll wait for retirement before I start drawing again. I am lost in searching for the ancestors now. That is a time consuming hobby.

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