Family Page

Here you can find some of our family links. We willingly share any information we have on these families. Feel free to browse through them. Please don't copy the files without permission. I like to know where my family is at all times. If you find a connection, e-mail me at the address below.

The Risinger group is still growing.  Send me an e-mail if you need any info on any of them. There is also a list for Reisinger/Risinger on Rootsweb's lists. The URL is Risinger . Come join us. Well, it seems the Risinger page isn't working. Just email me and I will answer.

The Donohoe group is still small, but it is beginning to grow.  I have our Donohoe file up. These are my ancestors. The Donohoe and Mitchell families are on my Dad's side. I also have the Risinger, Potts, Clark, and Wallace information on my mother's side here, too. This is not all the information I have, just a smattering. If you want more, contact me.

Here are a few pictures from the Mitchell clan and one of the Potts kids.

This is Newton Mitchell and this is Sarah Mitchell, his wife. Below are two of their daughters.

The picture on the left is of Arabell Mitchell

The picture on the right is Letha Iva Mitchell on the left, Connie Groves in the middle, and Jerome Groves on the right-----------------

These are four of the Potts "kids". Norma (left), Minnie (center), Earl (right back), and Vera (front). This picture was made at Minnie's house in Tulsa. (Minnie was my grandmother.)
No wonder we are so beautiful!!!!


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Here are the ones I love

My mom and dad. This was taken in 1958 and it makes no difference how old they got, this is the way I will always remember them. Mom is now 96 (in 2007) and like the rabbit...she is still going!

Katy as a Sophomore in Haltom High School. This is one of my favorite pictures.

Michael, his Senior year at Haltom High School.


Now that my life is in danger from having posted these pictures....... No, Katy, I didn't put up the "bucket" picture, but you had better be nice to me or......

I couldn't resist putting this one in. Katy had been training to paint faces.

I will put in more pictures another time so come back often.

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