A Note to Visitors

Thanks to all of you who have stopped in to visit my site, and those who have signed my guestbook and left me your thoughts and comments. Because it is difficult to answer you each individually, I wanted to address a few commonly asked questions from those of you who want to help rescue or the breed.

How You Can Help

When you see negative articles about the APBT in your local newspaper, take a moment to write an intelligent answer immediately to the editor of the paper. Make it brief and to the point - don't get on a soapbox! - but let the person know that 1) the problems rarely belong to the dog, but generally to the owner and the way he/she has treated the APBT's and 2) it would be nice if, instead of smearing the front page with horrific stories just to sell newspapers, the paper would take a true investigative attitude and speak to those who KNOW the breed, and allow them to present their side of the stories as well. (If you wish to offer yourself and your pit, feel free, but be sure you know what you're talking about if you're going to defend an entire breed. Loving the breed without the facts will do more harm than good.)

You asked how you could help! - There's some ideas - from what you can do with your individual dog to becoming politically active with others. Whatever you do, just let it be positive ... let it show our breed in its very best light ... but do it!!

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