Blowing Eggs

Blowing Eggs

Materials: Instructions:
  1. Carefully twist a hole into one end of an egg, breaking through both the shell and the internal membrane. Continue to twist and chip away at this hole until it is approximately a quarter of an inch in diameter. (See figure 1)

    Figure 1

  2. Hold the egg over a small bowl with the large hole pointed downward. Next, twist another hole into the opposite end of the egg. This one should be just a little bit bigger than the pin itself is. (See figure 2)

    Figure 2

  3. After both of the holes have been made, blow through the smaller of the holes. This will push the egg slowly out of its shell, and into the dish. Once all of the egg is out, rinse the shell under cold running water, but DO NOT USE SOAP!!!
  4. Store the blown egg in an egg container, but do not use until it is completely dry.

    (Return to Patchwork Eggs") (Return to Batik Eggs")

