to Austin's and Taylor's Playroom.

Dancing Elephants

Hi! I'm Austin

I am five years old and I live in Okinawa Japan, with my Dad, Mom, and my sister; Taylor. Okinawa is an island with lots and lots of pretty beaches. I love to swim and just completed my level II swimming lessons. I have even gone off the High Dive twice (with no help). I play tee-ball in the summer and I am fixing to start soccer.


Hi! I'm Taylor

Well, my real name is Taylor, but I go by Sissy. I will be four on 31 July 97. I will be attending K-4 (kindergarten) this fall at the school my brother goes to: Maranatha Baptist Academy. I love to swim and play outside with my friends. I have a black Lab named Lacey and she is a very funny dog. I will be moving to Texas in the winter-time.

This is a picture of us in our costumes For Mom's recital. It was called "Stars in the Making". We danced in four shows for more than 500 people watching us. It was very scary, but we had more than 300 other students to keep us company. Dad and Mom were very proud of us.

We would like to thank you for stopping by, come back and play any time.

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