Telescope Making

This page is dedicated to the memory of Eugene M. Shoemaker

Time readouts on this site courtesy of US Naval Observatory. [Universal Time].

Universal Realtime Check

  Woof! Woof!  I'm so glad you have made it to the Astro and Telescope Making page.  In the photograph to the left you can see me keeping an eye on Ron's 12.5in. F/8 newtonian reflector.  He constructed it himself, including grinding the primary mirror.  He has made about twenty telescopes over the past thirty years.  The photographs below were captured using telescopes of size six inch, eight inch, 12.5 inch, and sixteen inch telescopes.   Making a telescope is not for the fainthearted!  Nevertheless; with patience, anyone could learn to construct a telescope.  Please check out some of the links below to help you decide if you would like to get involved in astronomy.  An element of curiosity is a must here.  Linger awhile and look at the photos before checking the links.  Woof! Woof!



Click on a thumbnail below to see a large photograph.

                                    more to come...


  John Dobson.

  Mel Bartels.

  All you need to know, "How to make a telescope".

  Hubble Space Telescope Images.

  Multimedia Tour of the Planets.

  The British Astronomical Association.

  Amateur Telescope Makers Resource List.

  The Air & Space Mag. Website.

  Today at NASA.

  Lunar & Planetary Institute.

  The Stellafane Home Page.

  Eugene M. Shoemaker.

  Lowell Observatory

  The latest satellite view of Britain and Europe [From the British Met. Office]

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Current Moon Phase

Updated every four hours, courtesy U.S. Naval Observatory

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