Meet Hope, My Greyhound Sister

Hi! My name is Hope. I'm a greyhound just like my brother, Duke! Below are some pictures of me when I was four months old. Just click on the thumbnail to see the full-sized picture! I'd also like to tell you the story of my adoption! Just read on!

Like I said, my name is Hope and I'm a greyhound puppy. I'm almost two years old now, but I was just a baby in the pictures below. I was only four months old. I've learned a lot since then, but my brother, Duke and my mom and dad all say that I still have a lot to learn. I like it here quite a bit. I have all kinds of neat toys, and my brother, Duke and sister, Star are always playing with me! Well, actually Duke ignores me a lot of the time but Star always plays! My mom and dad are pretty cool. They only yell when I do really stupid things like pee in the house. But they're pretty understanding about that. They know that I'm just a puppy and that all of this stuff is new to me. I really like the thing they call "bed." It's nice and soft, and it smells like my mom and dad so I feel safe there.

Now a little about me. I was supposed to be a racer. I think I would have been pretty good at it too! I'm almost as fast as my big brother! I think the only reason he's faster is because his legs are longer! Anyways, when I was about eight weeks old I broke my leg. My other people took me to the vet and had my leg set and put in a cast to heal. They decided that they didn't think it would be such a great idea to race me though. I guess they were afraid I'd do it again. They decided that instead of racing me, they would find me a good home with some nice people to love me and take care of me. That's where my mom and dad come in. They learned all about me from someone they met on the computer and they called the people that I was living with. My mom spoke with my other family for a while and they decided that my mom and dad would take good care of me, so they let my parents adopt me. Mom and dad drove all the way from Michigan to Alabama to pick me up! They must have really wanted me to be part of the family to make such a long trip!

The drive from Alabama to my new home in Michigan wasn't too bad. I didn't get sick or anything. In fact, I slept most of the time. When we got home, my parents took me out of the car and then they brought Duke and Star out (with their leashes on, of course)! I was pretty intimidated by them at first, but after a few minutes I realized that they wouldn't hurt me and we've all been friends ever since.

Mom says that taking care of three dogs is a lot of work. She never takes her eyes off of us. I guess she's afraid we'll fight or something. I don't know why she thinks that, we've never had any problems! Mom says that it's better to be safe than sorry though. I don't mind her being around all the time though! I love my mom and dad! I'm glad they brought me home!

Since my parents brought me home I've learned all kinds of neat things. Mom says I'm too smart for my own good. I don't know what that's supposed to mean. I thought being smart was a good thing! Anyways, I've learned how to open all kinds of things! One day, mom took me, Duke and Star over to grandma's house (grandma's pretty neat, she always gives us treats and she doesn't let mom yell at us!) and then mom and grandma left to go to the food store. While they were gone, I opened up the pantry door, got a jar of peanut butter, unscrewed the lid (yes, I unscrewed it, I did not just chew it off) and proceeded to eat the peanut butter. You'd think mom would have learned that I can't be trusted around food, but noooooo! A couple weeks later, they did the same thing. This time I opened up the pantry, got a bag of split peas and tried to eat them. They didn't taste so good, so I got the garlic salt, some worstcheshire sauce, and a few other spices, unscrewed (yes, unscrewed) the lids and tried that. It still wasn't so great, so I went into the kitchen, opened a drawer and got out a tub of cream cheese frosting. Mom was really impressed that I managed to pull the foil off of the top without ripping it. I'm working on the refrigerator door. I've almost figured it out. I'll keep you updated. Anyway, enough about me for now. Check out some of my baby pictures!

duke&hope hope hope2

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