
CH. Aspen's A Gentleman At Heart

Dirk is a very gentle sweet young dog. He however is one that has non-stop energy and must be involved with whatever is going on. Dirk hasn't been shown much yet. But the few times he has been shown he has shown a glimpse of a promising future. He received his first point from Mr. Malcom Fellows from the puppy dog class. Dirk also went Best of Oppsite sex in Puppy Sweeps at the Columbine Norwegian Elkhound specialty in July of 1999 from long time respected breeder Mrs. Janice Hemphill. He went back to Ohio for 4 shows in Aug. 1999 including the Cleveland Elkhound Specialty and was RWD to majors at 2 of the shows including the specialty which was judged by respected breeder/judge Mr. Ed Hall. Dirk also was Best of Opposite Sex in Sweeps at the Cleveland specialty from judge Ms. Erika Peters. He was awarded wins from Col. Joe Purkhisher for 2 pts. and Mrs Rose Ellen Fetter for 1 pt. the end of August. Continuing with wins from Mrs. Marjorie Martorella, Mr. Micheal Sosne and Mrs. Barbara Camp for 3 more points in September. Dirk picked up his last 2 single points from Mrs. Dorothy Welsh and Mr. J Council Parker in Oct. During a Thanksgiving trip to California Dirk picked up his first Major from Mrs. George Alston .

Dirk earned a Hound Group 2 at the Nebraska Kennel from Judge: Mr. Joe Tacker while still in the classes.

He completed his Championship by earning his 2nd Major from Mr. Charles Trotter in Jul. 2000.

Dirk is a dog that is true to the standard in size and type. He has incredible side movement and is structurally sound coming and going. We hope to enjoy many future successes with him.

Dirk's 5 Generation Pedigree

Conformation Show Pictures of Dirk - updated 6/5/00

Candid Pictures of Dirk

Picture of Dirk's sister Aspen's My Heart Will Go On "Rose"

Picture of Dirk's brother Aspen's Heart Of The Hunter "Jaeden"

Puppy Pictures of Dirk & his siblings

Picture of Dirk's dad "Sly" Ch. Tiro's The Specialist

5 Generation Pedigree for Dirk

Dirk's Mom's Ch. Norelka's Caught In The Act,CD OA VNE-X CGC Homepage

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