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The Emigration to
United States

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The valuable help of many researchers who volunteered in San Francisco area, and some online search of U. S. Emigration Indexes supplied me with data on Scaglias who left Italy in the last century or at the beginning of this one.

I've decided to put them on my pages so that they can also be useful for other researchers.

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2.jpg (937 byte) Immigration ship-i.gif (1485 byte)   updated!
2.jpg (937 byte) Naturalization filec5.gif (494 byte) work in progress
2.jpg (937 byte) Social Security Death Index filec1.gif (857 byte) work in progress
2.jpg (937 byte) Cemeteries mnceme.gif (511 byte) work in progress

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last updated 1/7/2000

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