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PINSON Family Genealogy

You are theth visitor to visit our Pinson Family Series since 5 Aug 1997. Welcome one and all. Located here you will find our PINSON Family lines including Stephen Austin/Dorcas Pinson, Rambo, Cossey, Hatcher, Lamb, Qualls, Weaver (Ed Smith's line), and Smith among others.

Please visit our GenMaster Series and browse the database and visit another PINSON site sponsored by Lou Hixson, who is part of our family line. Debbie has also posted her Pinson E-mail which has some of our contacts. Here is where Ed has his information listed as e-mail information until he gets us sent more information. His family line is Amy/Ann Pinson, daughter of Aaron Jr. and Delilah. If you know how to set up a queries page, please give her some help. To check out our many family lines, visit our GenMaster Series and Surnames and check back often. The family files are there and the links have been made!

A new e-mail sent gives us more information on Elizabeth Rambo, the wife of Aaron Pinson Sr. Check out Marcie and Dan Ritchies' name in the Pinson E-mail. Look for more information on the RAMBO Family line coming soon. Text information, researchers names and compilers names are being added to the family group sheets.

This page designed by Ed Smith and Debbie Cossey Wasserburger


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113 Amethyst Dr.
Huntsville, AL 35810

| Austin | Cossey Family Association (Debbie) | Cossey Cousins & Kin (Lamar) | Cossey/Chrisco Connection (Tami) | Pinson (Ed) | Pinson2 (Lou) | Qualls (Phil) | Qualls2 (Jonel) | Sharp | Stovall | Wasserburger (Debbie) | Wood | Genealogy links | Research sites and web utilities |