My name is Katrina KinKade. I was born in 1840 in Huntsville, Alabama to a wealthy cotton manufacturing family. I have always been a bit different. I hated cottilions and dressed in breeches as much as possible. My idea of a grande ole time was hunting and riding my horses with my pa. As a matter of fact, my favorite hunting site was over on Keel Mountain, near Gurley and the rumor of a great white stag being sited on the Mountain intrigued me more than one can imagine.
Come to find out, there was a great white stag. Her name was Eleanore and she was gangrel with NO respect to the masquerade.
(one might say she was "sabbat"). We became friends and she showed me many things: true hunting, true power, love for the land, despite for all change and progress. I begged to be embraced and in May of 1861 my wish was finally granted. I WAS A GRANGREL SABBATT. (evil grin)
Of course it was about them that the war broke out... my two oldest brothers and my pa were killed. My ma and I were sent out west for safe keepings. But on the way, our stage tipped over and fell down a severe ravine. Everyone was killed, well everyone who was alive....Even I thought I was gone. But I awoke to find myself in a remote indian village. I was cared for, and many of the tribal members called me "One who can not die". I learned their ways and studied nature and wildlife. As the indians watched me and trained me, my offical indian name became "speaks with animals". Soon the indians noticed that I only wandered at night and as the other squaws got older and slower, I was as I was when they first saw me. As they were having council to send me away, two characters came to see me. One was named "runs like the wind" the other Marcilla.(OOC- Probably incorrect name).
Runs like the Wind trained me and Marcilla recruted me to join a gang of Vampires that I would forever be a part of - the Ahrimane. Runs like the Wind became my mentor and I became mostly what I am today.
But why am I in Huntsville?? It is my home. The old homestead went to my youngest brother after Ma and Pa died - then his kids - then theirs, and then the family line ended, the house went up for sale and with Marcillas help, I bought it.
The war between the states was over by a good 20 years and the city was being rebuilt. I wanted a say so in how that was to be done. And for a while, Huntsville stayed pretty much the same - progress slow and steady. The prince had grande plans and I stayed out of his way as long as he stayed out of mine. It wasn't until a fiesty german ventrue, by the name of Von Braun came to my fair home, that the intense change has happened - almost over night. Even the Prince got nervous, because the sprawl invaded the lupine areas - making them restless.. New kindred entered the city daily, some stayed, some just passed thru (hopefully because of me). But as it is today, too many are here. I keep an eye on things for the Prince, he keeps me informed on the Lupine front.
Not exciting, but my story none the less..
Katrina KinKade
"Speaks with Animals"
(Katrina photo courtesy of Dungeons and Dragons