
Of Games and Literature

This is Saorsa the character I play when I play Vampire on the internet! Well, not really - it's catwoman (photo courtesy of DC Comics.) My vampire character is Malkavian and if you know anything about White Wolf Vampires and Malkavians - you know they are a little demented (evil grin). Anyway, I have been fasinated by vampires since I was a teen. First, I fell in love with Braum Stoker, then the Great Bela Lagosi. Later came Anne Rice,with Brad Pitt as the sexiest Vampire of all times - dark, brooding, full of remorse and depth.

I play Jyhad the card game(ok - so now it's called vampire.) I also play Live Action Vampire where I play Saorsa (aka cat =^o^=)- a 10th level Malkavain,
Katrina Kinkade - an 8th level ahramaine,
or Mama Rosalinda Puccini -7th level Ravnos fortune teller/arms dealer.

cat's litterbox
Check out "Vampire" by White Wolf

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