something about me

a worm inching back and forth
Hello everyone, pull up a seat, grab a soda, and I'll tell you a little about myself. My name is Anna Stuever. I am a 23 year old mother of 2 and I think they are the most beatiful children I have ever seen, but doesn't every parent think that about their child? Nathan is almost a year and a half (April 12, 1997), with curly blonde hair, bright blue eyes and is happy almost all of the time. Zoey is 6 weeks old (August 5, 1998), with a full head of black hair, eyes that are turning green, rosy cheeks, and lets us know she gets bored quite easily with her surroundings.

Wow, it's been awhile since I updated this page! Now, I am 24 (woowoo) Nathan is a little over 2 years old and yes, we definetly see some of those terrible 2's everyone talks about. The cute things he does out-weigh the terrible though and he gives us so much to laugh about. Zoey is 10 months old and is crawling everywhere. Black hair, hah, she is a little blonde-haired, blue-eyed cutie just like her brother. She still gets bored, but not as fast now that she has more to get into

Right now we live in the town of Stillwater, Oklahoma, where I am currently working for "a multi-billion dollar computer industry giant (no I won't tell you who, so don't ask)", to quote a friend. While my husband, Greg, finishes his degree in Advertising at Oklahoma State University. He had fewer hours to go until graduating so I get to be the money maker, while he takes care of the babies. Nathan at 3 months He only has 2 classes left this summer and thenWe are out of here!

Being a parent is just wonderful! Yes, even with some of those nights when it seems like they are working together to keep us awake. But isn't that a part of this great experience? I think it is just amazing to be a mom. To know that I (and Greg too) am responsible for these little lives and that who they will become is greatly dependent on how we raise them. I hope they don't think that I am too over-protective or too mushy. You would understand this part if you see how excited I get when Nathan does any little thing, and even more excited for the big things. I am always calling my husband in from another room to "watch this, isn't he so cute!" Since Greg has spent all day with him, he has seen what Nathan just happens to be doing a million times that day. Still, good-naturedly he says,"yes dear, he is pretty neat, isn't he." And now we get to do it all over with Zoey!

a horn Music has always been a big part of my life. I even remember going to see the movie "Amedeus" when it first came to the theaters. When I was in the 6th grade, I started playing the trumpet in band. I loved it, but wanted to learn more. 3 years later I started playing the Horn (French Horn to some *hehe*) and continued to play it through college. I even majored in Music Ed my freshman year. I had so much fun in the marching band and Spirit band (even got to go to the Final Four one year) but realized that this major was not for me. Now that I'm not taking classes anymore I don't play but really enjoy listening. One of my favorite pieces is Mozart's Eine kleine Nachtmusik, but I don't have a favorite composer (there are just so many of them). a quilting rack

In my spare time (how much spare time does a working mom have?) I like to cross stich, but still haven't finished the piece I have been working on for 3 (almost 4) years. I hate to start more than one at a time, or else I would have a little collection of unfinished pieces. I have started learning to quilt, but have only really made 1 (Nathan's first quilt). Also I enjoy playing the mud The Creator's Shadow. If you enjoy Robert Jordon's Wheel of Time series and playing muds, I hightly recommend it. Mostly though, I spend my spare time reading. My favorite types of books are fantasy and historical fiction, but I don't really have a favorite author.

a little picket fence

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