LinkExchange Member

Here are some sites that I have found to be either fun, useful, or just nice to look at.

a little man holding a sign that says 'cool'

really cool links!

animated gif's--check out some of these nifty animations (I used a few on my pages).
even more animated gif's -- this one has some great animations, and bunches of links.
Go Pokes!!-- a tribute to the college I attended.
Artlinx -- a place full of links to beautiful artwork.
National Gallery of Art--Washington, DC, -- to find your favorite artist just enter their name in the search field, mine is Monet. This is also where I got the Painting on my home page.
winnie the pooh-- take a walk in the 100-Aker Woods.
A page for children -- a great link for kid's poems, books, and pictures.

really helpful links

parent soup -- parenting tips and discussions.
Lynn's Parenting Page -- a non-commercial site geared towards the expecting mothers.
Parent time -- a page geared towards specific aged problems.
Interesting Places for Parents -- a wonderful place for parenting resources. -- a fun disney based site, but be ready for the cookies.

friends' pages

Todd's page -- a friend's page, he really likes Tae Kwon Do. Can you tell?
Ganex D'leb's Ziggurat World -- no that's not really his name.

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