This is my third Angels Page.
This page will be dedicated to all of
those at
After Life Eternal. The people
here are like part of my family to me.
They have helped me through alot of
hard times when Scott first earned his
wings and still to this day.
If you have lost a loved one and need
someone to talk to, you will feel
more than welcome in this group.

Althea Rose Smith ~8/1/1917~6/7/1987~ Cogestive Heart Failure Otho Carl Smith ~7/4/1908~2/22/1999~ Natural causes>

Kevin O. Smith ~6/30/1950-7/28/2000

Soaring with the Angels
from a Motorcycle Accident

Beloved Mother, Father, and Brother
Carolyn Skormin

Please visit
Carolyn's Angel Pages

visit Carlie's other pages by clicking on her picture
Carlie Eileen Shelton

2/7/00 - 4/25/00
Soaring with the Angels

Jo Argentieri
12/22/34 ~ 5/23/00
Soaring with the Angels
from a Massive Heart attack

Mom to Marissa

Dearest Mother and "Grandma-To-Be",
Not a day goes by that I don't miss you
and ache to have you back.
Forever in my heart,
Your daughter, Marissa Jude

Carmela Frattasi
9/27/27 ~ 12/10/99
Soaring with the Angels
from a Cerebral hemorage

Godmother to Marissa

Dearest Godmother,
You and your best friend are now
at peace in Heaven (having espresso
no doubt!) I know you greeted Mom when
she crossed over. You are greatly missed
and always in my heart.
With love,
Marissa Jude

Bette May Starrantino
4/3/40 ~ 8/10/70
Soaring with the Angels

Mom to Paul & Mom~in~law to Marissa

Dearest Mom Bette,
So many questions, not many answers...
Though I never met you, and your son,
my hubby, was only 4 when he lost you,
we wish you weren't taken so soon...
we didn't even get to know you. You are
with us for you live in our hearts always.
With love,
Paul & Marissa

Please Visit
Marissa's Angel Pages

Jimmy Lee
July 1, 1945~September 15, 2000
Soaring with the Angels
Lung Cancer

Plese Visit
Jimmy's Angel Pages

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