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I put this fish pond in my backyard last summer. Rob and I dug the hole, the liner is an old swimming pool liner. I hand picked the rocks one by one from my aunt and uncle's land and hauled them home in my Blazer, it took 2 trips! I built the water fall from rocks and concrete. There is a pump that circulates the water and pumps it through the waterfall and fountain. We have some gold fish that are growing like crazy, and a water Lilly that I am particularly proud of and very protective of... just ask my kids! LOL

Click on the thumbnail to see a larger image.

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Here is the first part of the big changes we have made this year. On the left is the big load of bricks we had delivered along with a big load of sand and another of dirt. On the right is the sand we carefuly spread and leveled to lay the bricks on. If you look closely you can see the pond to the right of the sand, behind the windowed patio. As soon as I get more pictures developed I'll show you the "after" pictures!

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