I love to work in the garden. Before we moved to this house 3 years ago, I had an impressive herb garden and even sold herbs to area upscale resturants. Now that I have a smaller garden this time around my herbs are limitited but I am increasing the size each year. I hope to be back to selling herbs again in a few years....
My favorite herbs that I am growing this year are Sweet Basil, Basil, Chives, Parsley, Dill, Cilantro and Lavender.....Next year I am adding Lemon Balm, Rosemary, Thyme and your basic Mints.

As far as vegatables go...I have Tomatoes (Big Boy, Cherry, Plum, and your basic Jersey), Peppers (hot and sweet), Jalipino, Cucumbers, Pickling Cucumbers, Pumpkin (jack-o-lantern), Watermelon, Celery, and Eggplant. Next year I hope to add Broccoli and Brussels Sprouts.

I hope that you will stop back often...I will be adding pictures and garden hints for even the lazy gardener....

Flowers are also a favorite of mine.....I love floweres....I have been increasing my Perennial garden for about 3 years now...The Perennials that I have now are....

Painted Daisy -- These bloom late in Spring

Hollyhock -- Giant mix. these grow up to 6 ft. A great plant for shady spots

Delphinium -- These are great for cutting. These can grow up to 5 ft. and the flowers are beautiful. Great for a Sunny area.

Yarrow -- This is really an herb but I love the fern like leaves. This plant spreads well and I plant it thru out the garden. You really only need to buy one of these and will have enough to spread around its second season.

Sweet William -- A flower with a great fragrance. Each stem forms a mini bouquet...One of my favorites.

Beard Tongue -- This is a beauty...It grows 2 ft. high and blooms in June and July. I love the maroon leaves on the young plants.

Bee Balm -- Or Marshalls delight. This grows about 30" high. It loves sun and blooms July and Aug.

Viola -- This loves sun. It is great for rock gardens and window boxes, also for edging and boarders.

Forget-Me-Nots -- This is really a Biennial. Nice for shade. Blooms April to June.

Primula -- I have the reds. These are great for pots and borders. They do great in part shade and produces another mini bouquet like the Sweet Williams.

Roses -- I have not been very good at growing roses...but this year I planted 2 bushes....They seem to be doing well...and one has already given me several flowers...Wish me luck on

I also love to plant Annuals each year....They add such a colorful look to my yard...The Annuals that I planted this year are...

ImpatiensThese are great shade loving plants and they spread nicely..I also put them around my evergreens which provides enough shade for them.

Sunflowers -- I grow several kinds. One is the Full Sun Hybrid. This grows to about 4 feet...The other is the Mammoth. These grow from 6 to 12 feet. Last year I had about 20 of these around the yard. They were beautiful and also are great for snacks. I put the dried out flowers out during the winter for the birds and chipmunks to feed.

Begonias -- I love these. They are a hardy plant and grow well in full sun or full shade.

Petunias -- I have the Lilac and the deep blue. They do well in sun.

Geraniums -- These bloom all summer long. All of mine are in pots hanging around the fence.

New Guinie Impatiens -- These are my favorite annual. I have these hanging in pots around my front porch. They do well in shade or part shade and have a wonderful selection of color.

Some follge that I have in my gardens are -- Coleus, which does good in sun and shade and has beautiful pink white and green leaves. Hostas, which is a great ground cover and grows well in shade, however I have many in sun and they do sell. Eniglish Ivy, my favorite ground cover.

Ok I hope you have your garden gloves in hand and are ready to go.....more to come real soon.....

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