More History
One of the best methods of coping with an ADHD child for me has been sharing my
experiences with others who deal with the same things. Before I learned my son had
this disorder, I felt awful. I was depressed.. feeling like I'd failed as a mother.. it
got so bad, I even called my own mother and asked her to take him from me because I couldn't
do it.. that I wasn't a good mother. It was the worst feeling in the world..
She calmly talked me out of my "hysteria" (thanks Mom!)
and told me to take him to a doctor and tell him everything I told her...
I took her advice and spent the hours apon hours of paperwork I had to fill out, the doctor's appointments,
the evaluations, and the diagnosis was ADHD.
At first I was skeptical. I still felt it HAD to be *MY* fault somehow. Plus my
best friend's child was dianosed with ADHD and I watched her grow up for 10 years..
I thought I was so lucky that I didn't have to deal with the things she dealt with. I was in
denial. But the doctor put him on Ritalin, 5 mg 2 times a day, and things starting improving...
I still wasn't completely satisfied.. I mean, who wants to believe they need to put their child
on "drugs" in order to be able to handle them? It was a tough decision. To this day I struggle
with it at times. Kevin and I have grown a lot together in the last year and a half. We still have our
daily struggles, but our understanding of his disorder was the first step in improving life for
both of us. Update for this page - 2/2/98: I have mentioned this in my diary but didn't think to put it here; Kevin is no longer on Ritalin. It wasn't because of any fears or problems we were having with it, it was basically because it quit doing anything for him. He was on a generic form of it and the dosage was so small that I didn't see a big difference anymore. So I talked to his doctor about 2 weeks before he started Kindergarten and we both decided to go for a "no-medication" approach. I am using behavior modification techniques that work "ok". I'm not totally against putting him back on the Ritalin but since he's been in school now for 4 months and has been doing great, I don't see the need. Yes, he still can manage to drive me batty! :) But for the most part, we're doing ok. Why a web page about all this?Well, a few things (in no particular order):
The music on this page is the "Theme from Forrest Gump". I love this movie and find the music soothing and comforting. :) Enjoy!