Descendants of William Elijah Barnes

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Dennis L. Minter
6420 Trinity Dr.
Pine Bluff, AR 71603
(501) 879-0502
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Ultimate Family Tree, ver 2.7
MINTER Project Version 1252
April 16, 2000

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Table of Contents

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Armstrong, Ballas, Barnes, Bertrand, Biles, Brown, Cathcart, Cavagnaro, Chambers, Chappel, Cleveland, Colclasure, Crowley, Cummings, D'arpa, Daniels, Dennhardt, Donnenwirth, Dunlap, Fellows, Ferber, Ford, Guenther, Hardin, Hargrove, Henderson, Holt, Huhtala, James, Jensen, Kilgore, Ledger, Mace, Minter, Morrise, Neill, Nicholas, O'Hara, Pack, Percell, Phillips, Pugh, Quiring, Rainy, Roberts, Sibley, Skagfjord, Snow, Staffrod, Stinchcomb, Stout, Stover, Sutton, Swarts, Tice, Trulove, Waiters, Wiley

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