Required Reading and Viewing List:

Titus 2 Birthing Certified Christian Doula Program


To obtain certification, you must read and submit a short review of a number of books and videos. The following list is the current Titus 2 Birthing reading list for the CCD program. You will find a list of the review requirements at the bottom of the book and video list.


Read and submit a short review of the following two books:

• Helen Wessel -- The Joy of Natural Childbirth: 5th Ed. of Nat. CB & The Christian Family
This book can be obtained directly from Apple Tree Family Ministries; POBox 2083; Artesia, CA 90702-2083 ( or from Spirit Led Childbirth; POBox 1225; Oakhurst, CA 93644 ( The Joy of Natural Childbirth is $15.95 plus any applicable tax and shipping.
• Debra Evans -- The Christian Woman's Guide to Childbirth


Read and submit a short review of at least two of the following:


Read and submit a short review of at least two of the following:


Read and submit a short review of at least two of the following:


Read and submit a short review of at least one book in each of the following topics:




Visual Aids - View at least 2 of the following and submit a review


Reviews should include the following: summation of major points, pertinent topics which should be shared or used with clients, your impressions and thoughts on the subject matter, and how you plan to share this information with clients.

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