George Dougal Abrams

George Dougal Abrams family
Back Row - Hettie Adelaid (1871-1968), Otis McKinley "Mack" (1894-1980) , George Dougal (1866-1954)
Front Row - Hugh Hinkle (1905-aft 1985), Walker M.(1900-1970, James Franklin "Frank"(1907-1967) and Mary Irene "Irene" (1898-1977)
[Lola Florine (1896-1964) and Carl Bovard (1910-1992) not in picture]

George Dougal Abrams (1866-1954) was born in Southeast Hardin Co., TN. on a farm near Gillis Mills, TN. He was the son of William Fletcher Abrams and Sarah Mathis. On 7 Nov 1889 George married Hettie Adelaide Falls (1871-1968) daughter of William Theodore Falls and Nancy Susannah Andrews. They had 7 children that lived to adulthood. There were three that died in infancy, a set of twins and one other, names unknown. The family was living in Gillis Mills in 1910. By 1920 they had moved to Waynesborough. Sometime after that, when all the children were gone except Irene and Carl, they moved to Cabot, Arkansas. George died 11 August 1954 and is buried at the Mount Carmel Cemetery in Cabot.

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