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The Quantum Leap Crusaders Homepage

Last updated April 29, 2000

"Theorizing that one could time travel within his own lifetime, Dr. Sam Beckett stepped into the Quantum Leap accelerator and vanished .... He woke to find himself trapped in the past, facing mirror images that were not his own and driven by an unknown force to change history for the better. His only guide on this journey is Al, an observer from his own time, who appears in the form of a hologram that only Sam can see and hear. And so Dr. Beckett finds himself leaping from life to life, striving to put right what once went wrong and hoping each time that his next leap will be the leap home."

And home used to be on NBC until Six years ago, when Sam and everyone from Quantum Leap was pulled off Broadcast air. Since then many, many people have worked very hard to try and bring this magnificent show back on. And as the years have gone by *five of them hard to believe* the efforts have continued. And though their work has gone unanswered a time before, they continue to write letters, continue to try and and get the show back on. It's been five years and many people have forgotten about the show. Many people have decided that it's over and to move on.

But out there all over the world, there are still people who refuse to let such an impactful expirience pass by. These crusaders as it were, keep going, knowing that the odds are stcked miles high above them. And this is great. This is honorable. But it's not working with a few people here and there writing a letter or posting a message. It's been five years. It's time to take a stand. A giant, unified, stand.

It's time for everyone to start working together to put this thing back on. I am aware that many attempts with many web rings, mailing lists, and so forth, have been made earlier. Maybe this is just another futile try at the impossible. But maybe, this is the last strike that it will take to get people to notice and get networks to say "hey, you know what. These people are serious." And if this ends up turning fruitless, we'll at least know that we did the best we could have. It'll end not with one thinking that they wish they would have tried, but with them knowing that this was the last, great attempt to bring it back. And that they were part of it.

Help us bring this impactful, monumental show, back on the networks.

Pay me with Visa/MC at - always fast, free and secure!

Hello Quantum Leap Crusaders!

Here are some realaudio streaming clips from Quantum Leap. I hope you enjoy them. If you have any .wav clips from Quantum Leap episodes, please send them to me via ICQ. My ICQ# is 17656453. Add me to your list or add Patty and send the wave files via file transfer. The download times are an approximation.

The Quantum Leap Font! Zip File

Click on the letter template and the flyer, save them to your hard drive. Address them accordingly, print them up and deliver them. The letter to Scott Bakula is for viewing only.

Check out these letters I sent to the Television Stations in my neck of the woods. Copy down the addresses and send them a letter.

  • The letter to WAFB CH9, BATON ROUGE, LA.
  • The letter to WAFB CH9, BATON ROUGE, LA....for Word 6.0/95
  • The letter to WBRZ CH2, BATON ROUGE, LA.
  • The letter to WBRZ CH2, BATON ROUGE, LA....for Word 6.0/95
  • The letter to WVLA CH33, BATON ROUGE, LA.
  • The letter to WVLA CH33, BATON ROUGE, LA....for Word 6.0/95
  • The letter to WGMB FOX44, BATON ROUGE, LA.
  • The letter to WGMB FOX44, BATON ROUGE, LA....for Word 6.0/95

Here are some updated addresses of People and Shows that you can help us write to bring exposure to our Crusade!

Check out the new updated petition that you can use to get those signatures, addresses, and phone numbers!

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Michael and Patricia
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Thank you for stopping in and helping us bring back this
great show. If you have any comments, suggestions, or anything
else, please mail me Patty Blairand Michael Cote'