Elizabeth on Christmas Day!
Welcome to Elizabeth's page! Elizabeth Ashley made her grand entrance to the
world on June 12, 2001, at 1:58 am. So that, of course, makes her nine months
old now, and every day is seems to bring something new to surprise us!
Wow, time really does fly! I have no idea how it's possible that Elizabeth is
nine months old already, but here we are! She still just amazes us...she seems
to constantly be learning new things, and she's just a really happy baby girl.
Her favorite things at the moment are still playing on the floor and trying to
play with our dog, but she's slowly but surely adding more and more new things.
She's still not crawling yet, but she's getting closer. I think she probably
could crawl at this point, but she truly hates being on her belly, and she'd
just rather stand up! She'd rather stand up than just about anything else, and
she's trying to figure out how to pull up now, so I have a feeling that it
won't be long before she's up and walking along the furniture and such!
Lizzie still has no teeth, but unless I miss my guess, she'll have a couple
soon. We've had all the normal signs...drooling like a faucet, chewing her
hands (not just her fingers, her WHOLE HANDS!!) like crazy, and there are bumps
on her gums. Soon, I'm sure! But not having teeth hasn't really slowed her
down in the eating department...she loves her Cheerios, and she's interested in
almost anything that's put in front of her. We have to really watch her now
while we're eating, because otherwise she goes for whatever's on our plates.
Between Lizzie and Sally (the basset hound) dinner time is a dance of avoiding
getting our plates snatched out from under us!*LOL*
I think that's about it for now! There are new pictures to check out on the
pictures page, and I'll update this page again soon!