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Let's see...what is there to know about Rusty Angel? And what do I really want to share?
I am now 35. I recently earned my bachelors degree in Social Work and Psychology.
I am a full time landlord, wife, mom and friend. I also drive the Special Ed. bus route. I am married to my high school
sweetheart. We have been married for over eighteen years. I am mother to five children. YES FIVE!! Spare time? ? ? Who has any to do anything else with! !

If you have ever talked to me online you are already aware that I love to chat and flirt but not necessarily in That order.
You can usually find me chatting on ICQ under the UIN 2709654.


Click below to see SOME of my friends on the NET and off. I meet so many new people that it will take a while for all of them to make it to my page.
(If I forget you please let me know. Remember I am a blonde and that is allowed.)

I like to hear from you so . Hope to hear from you soon.

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