An Al Khamsa Supporter
Sunset Arabians
"Davenports for Disposition, Conformation, Versatility"
Bill & Billie Oates
Rt 1, Box 62
Diboll, Tx 75941
Moselle CF's Page
(Mimic X Sauterne)
A Seglawi Al 'Abd
Grey Mare foaled in 1984
Bred by Craver Farm
Owned by the Oates
Now with Western Fields


....................Hanad (cs '22 Hingham)
...............Tripoli (cs '48 PPayne)
....................Poka (gcm '21 Hingham)
..........Mimic (gg '77 CCC)
....................Tripoli(cs '48 PPayne)
...............Fancy Flight (cm '68 CCC)
....................Ceres (cm '63 CCC)
...Moselle CF
....................Hanad (cs '22 Hingham)
...............Tripoli (cs '48 PPayne)
....................Poka (cm '21 Hingham)
..........Sauterne (bm '78 CCC)
....................Sir (gs '58 CCC))
...............Adriana (gm '76 CCC)
....................Antan (cm '45 JMDouthit)


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Moselle CF has been a broodmare most of her life, as were her pasture mates, Filigree CF and Adored CF.. She is now becoming a good trail horse.

Moselle is the Dam of:


SA El Capitano a 1989 Bay Stallion
by Minstrel CF(Ibn Alamein X Trill)
SA Beaujolais a 1991 Grey Stallion
by Kamil Antez (Kamil Ibn Salan X Cressida)
Now with the Apple Circus






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