An Al Khamsa Supporter
Sunset Arabians
"Davenports for Disposition, Conformation, Versatility"
Bill & Billie Oates
Rt 1, Box 62
Diboll, Tx 75941
SA Starantez's Page
(Kamil Antez X Filigree CF)
A Chestnut Stallion foaled 1991
Bred and Owned by the Oates
Oct '97 photo
SA Starantez at play
....................Salan (gs '58 FELewis II)
...............Kamil Ibn Salan(bs '51 HDBeauchamp)
....................Schada (cm '43 JNClapp)
..........Kamil Antez(bs '68 CCC)
....................Sir (gs '58 CCC)
...............Cressida(cm '62 CCC
....................Antan (cm '63 Sullivan)
...SA Starantez
....................Lysander (gs '66 CCC)
...............Lydian(gs '79 CCC)
....................Viola (gm '71 CCC)
..........Filigree CF (gm '85 CCC)
....................Ibn Alamein( bs 68 CCC)
...............Fiddledeedee(cm '73 CCC)
....................Bint Antan(c m '67 CCC)

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Half-brother to:
SA Premier (by Minstrel)
Bay Stallion foaled 1989
Bred 1 generation in the Saqlawi Al 'Abd strain by William Oates Now with Bill Cifuentes in Ill

And Filligree's new '98 foal, Diboll SF


SA Starantez is by the same sire as

SA Beaujolais
(Kamil Antez X Moselle CF)
1991 Grey Stallion
Bred by Bill Oates
Now with the Apple Circus





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