Family ties are treasured things and far though we may roam, the tender bonds with those we love still pull our hearts towards home

Welcome to the wonderful world of the Haley's (or Hailey's) and some related families. This page is dedicated to all those who have gone before us and paved the way for us to be where we are today. The past may be the past, but it is also part of us and who we are.

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There are svereal groups who are researching the Haley name. Hopefully you'll find one doing your line if not please lets us know so you can be added. This is a great way to meet new friends and even find some "Kissin' Cousins". I've meet alot of wonderful people who like me are tracing their family roots. Good luck. You never know you might make that all elusive connection with some information that you find here.

We also have a Haley surname discussion mailing list to exchange information, or request it.

If you would like to post a query and maybe find some great information check out our QUERY page, and submit your own. You never know someone may be looking for that same piece of information!!!


These are my people. Some of whom I'm getting to know pretty well. they were interesting people. My own branch of the Haileys comes from Edward and his wife Catherine from Virginia. He had eleven children. He's the earlist I can confirm so I have my work cut out for me.We branch off in many different directions but my personal side ends up in Missouri.


John (Randy) Haley is tracing the Tennessee Haley's. They settled in Eastern Tenn. The earliest he has found is David Haley who came to the U.S. from Ireland.
Surname List


Those looking for some Haley's with a Maine connection need to talk to Chuck Haley He starts at Thomas Haley, who was born in 1628in Devonshire, England,and died in 1724 in Exeter, NH.

Surnames List


Louis Haley is researching the Haley's of Elbert Co. Georgia. It begins with James Haley who is reported to have come from Ireland to Delaware aound 1725. One of his sons, William Haley, born 27 July 1748 in Delaware died in Elbert County, Georgia. He left many desendants in that area.
Surname List

My dad spent over 20 years putting together a book about the Haileys or Haleys from... Arkansas Missouri, Mississippi, Texas, Oregon, Iowa, Kansas, North Carolina, New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio. It's a very large book, but I think these places are more where people have ended up and not where they started, but that may be where you need to start. If you have any questions about any of the places please let me know and I'll see if I can help.

This is all pretty new to me so if you have a question or comment or suggestion please feel free to tell me. Thanks for being here! Please come back soon!

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