Ships such as the ones mentionned here, at the warf in Campbellton in early days

Some ships arrivals and departures in the 1830's and 40's, mostly at the ports of Shippegan
Miramichi, Bathurst and Dalhousie.
Taken from the newspaper "The Gleaner" which covered the Northern part of New Brunswick from Miramichi to the Campbellton area.


It seems that the information here reads as follows
Where the ship arrived, date, the sort of ship it was its name, who it belonged to, where it came from and how long it took to get here, at times also, its cargo and its Captain.

OH!! and please dont ask, there is no list of names of people on those ships
but these names could help you find out when what ship came to Canada
and if you know your ancestor came here a certain date you may be able
to match the ship with the date and then find a list elsewhere for the passengers of that ship.

Dalhousie June 20/1831 Schooner Olive Jeffrey Shippegan
Miramichi Oct. 27/1831 Schooner MaryShippegan
Shippegan Aug 29/1831Barque IntrinsicSmithGlascow 36 days Gilmour & Rankin
Dalhousie Nov. 30/1832schooner l'Esperance Paulin
Shippegan July 14/1833 Brig Albion Duggan St John Nfld 15 days George Taylor
Miramichi Oct. 29/1833 Schooner CharlotteNavile Shippegan 3 days Master
MiramichiMay 18/1834 St Marine RobishauCaraquet 2 days Master
Miramichi Oct. 9/1834 Mary Ann Robichaud Caraquet 2 days
Bathurst Oct. 21/1834Schooner Marine Robichaud Caraquet J. Cunnard and co.
Miramichi Nov.1/1834 Schooner MarineRobichaud Caraquet 2 days J.Cunard and co.
Miramichi Great Britain At Liverpool Oliver Blanchard Bay Chaleur at Bilboa
Miramichi Oct. 29/1835Schooner EsperanceShippegan 3 days master
Miramichi Nov. 5/1836 Pink RobichaudShippegan 3 days J. Cunard and co.
Caraquet July 6/1837 Three Brothers Robichaudfishing voyage
Shippegan May 12/1838 brig Symmetry LondonJ. Cunard and co
Shippegan May 12/1838 barque Edward LiverpoolJ. Cunard and co
Shippegan Sept.14/1839 brig Jane SharpMaryport32 days J.Cunnard and co.
MiramichiSept. 18/1839 Schooner SeaflowerRobichaud Bathurst J. Cunard and co.
Shippegan July 3/1839brig James and Ann DickensArichat 9 days J. Cunard and co.
ShippeganMay 22/1839 brig Curlew Gauntlet Sunderland45 days J.Cunard and co
Shippegan May 23/1839 brig Peace White Sunderland43 days
ShippeganMay 23/1839 brigantine Lady Harvey AlexanderLiverpool
Shippegan May 24/1839 barque Olga Rubledge Sunderland44 days
ShippeganMay 25/1839 barque Onyx Hogg London47 days
Shippegan May 25/1839 barque Hope Smith London40 days
Shippegan May 25/1839 brig Freedom Robinson Plymouth35 days
ShippeganMay 26/1839 brig Salus Rubledge Sunderland50 days
ShippeganMay 26/1839 brig Atles Smark Portsmouth
ShippeganMay 28/1839 brig Margaret Green London28 days
Shippegan May 28/1839 brig Thompson Binhage London38 days
Shippegan May 31/1839 brig Lancer Norbury Portsmouth37 days
ShippeganSept. 25/1839 brig MarieHargureWhitehaven 39 days
MiramichiSept. 18/1839 Schooner SeaflowerRobichaud Bathurst 6 days J. Cunard and co.
MiramichiOct.28/1839 Schooner CreoleRobichaud Caraquet 3 days M. Samuel
ShippeganSept. 25/1839 brig Marie HargureWhitehaven 39 days J.Cunard and co.
MiramichiSept. 18/1839 schooner SeaflowerRobichaud Bathurst 6 days J. Cunard and co.
Miramichi Oct. 28/1839 Schooner CreoleRobichaud Caraquet 3 days M. Samuel
ShippeganMay 12/1840 brig Harmony ClintackMilford 33 days J. Cunard and co.
ShippeganMay 21/1840 brig Curlew GauntletSunderland 50 days J. Cunard and co
ShippeganMay 25/1840 brig Integrity CockburnNewCastle 38 days
ShippeganJune 6/1840 brig AlbionCrosby Halifax 5 days
ShippeganJune 10/1840 brig ViaticForster Newfoundland 7 days
ShippeganJune 14/1840brig Marquis of Doure Groombrig London 50 days
ShippeganJune 16/1840 barque HenryFord Bathurst
ShippeganJune 20/1840barque coming in name unknown
ShippeganJuly 25/1840 brig Queen Victoria Wright Jersey 27 days
ShippeganSept. 3/1840brig Mary Tiffins Wales Bathurst
Shippegan Sept. 3/1840barque General Wiltshire Wilson Bathurst
Shippegan Sept. 7/1840brig Magog Kennedy Ayr 40 days
Shippegan May 21/1841brig Susan Fruing Jersey 45 days
Shippegan May 21/1841brig Ann Laing Sunderland 45 days
Shippegan May 22/1841brig Lumley Topcliff Southampton 29 days
ShippeganMay 25/1841brig Lady Harvey Alexander Liverpool
Caraquet May 22/1841brig Seaflower Balleine Liverpool and Jersey C.Robin, and co.
Shippegan May 29/1841brig Jane Lowan Dodd Hamling 34 days
ShippeganJune 20/1841brig Seabird Backhouse Bordeaux 46 days
ShippeganJuly 7/1841brig Jane Saunders France 48 days
Shippegan June 11/1843bark New Eagle Lowes London 35 days
ShippeganJune 27/1843brig Cossack LloydNewfoundland15 days
ShippeganJune 27/1843brig Monarch Liverpool 37 days
ShippeganJuly 2/1843brig Victoria Walsh Newfoundland 16 days
ShippeganJuly 9/1843barque Bolton AbbeyMason Liverpool 38 days
Shippegan July 19/1843brig Jane Alice StewartSunderland 40 days
Shippegan July 29/1843brig Hunter Sunderland 48 days
Shippegan Aug. 16/1843ship Aurora Firth Bathurst 2 days
ShippeganSept. 5/1843brig Tagus tinwith Ireland 56 days
ShippeganSept. 20/1843barque Isabella Dolton Preston 31 days
Shippegan Sept. 21/1843Schooner Pearl Hall Bathurst 1 day
ShippeganMay 22/1844ship Daedalus Nicholson Liverpool 42 days
Shippegan May 22/1844brig Voluna Easthope Padstow 42 days
Shippegan May 24/1844Lady Mary Bowen Bordeaux 40 days
Shippegan May 25/1844brig British Queen Wood Sunderland 60 days
Shippegan May 25/1844brig Spring Flower Rickard Ilfracomb 40 days
ShippeganMay 27/1844brig Gem Grozier Brest 45 days
ShippeganSept. 20/1843barque Isabella Dolton Preston 31 days
Shippegan Sept. 21/1843Schooner Pearl Hall Bathurst 1 day
ShippeganMay 22/1844ship Daedalus Nicholson Liverpool 42 days
Shippegan May 22/1844brig Voluna Easthope Padstow 42 days
ShippeganSept. 20/1843barque Isabella Dolton Preston 31 days
Shippegan Sept. 21/1843Schooner Pearl Hall Bathurst 1 day
ShippeganMay 22/1844ship Daedalus Nicholson Liverpool 42 days
Shippegan May 22/1844brig Voluna Easthope Padstow 42 days Alexander
ShippeganSept. 20/1843barque Isabella Dolton Preston 31 days
Shippegan Sept. 21/1843Schooner Pearl Hall Bathurst 1 day
ShippeganMay 22/1844ship Daedalus Nicholson Liverpool 42 days
Shippegan May 22/1844brig Voluna Easthope Padstow 42 daysJersey
ShippeganSept. 20/1843barque Isabella Dolton Preston 31 days
Shippegan Sept. 21/1843Schooner Pearl Hall Bathurst 1 day
ShippeganMay 22/1844ship Daedalus Nicholson Liverpool 42 days
Shippegan May 22/1844brig Voluna Easthope Padstow 42 days
ShippeganJune 19/1844brig Brothers Taylor Dublin 45 days
Shippegan June 25/1844brig Liddle Johnson France 42 days
ShippeganJune 28/1844schooner Fairplay Degrace Miramichi 2 days
ShippeganJuly 23/1844brig Thomas and Mary Orehar Gibralter 42 days
ShippeganJuly 23/1844schooner Fairplay Degrace Miramichi
ShippeganSept. 7/1844Ship Charles Humbertson Eastman 21 days
ShippeganNov. 2/1844brig Eagle Cullam London35 days
Shippegan May 13/1845schooner Joseph Howe Currie Halifax10 days
Shippegan May 13/1845schooner Seaflower Lang Halifax 10 days
Shippegan May 21/1845brig Thompson Barton Workington 40 days
Shippegan May 13/1845brig Crapaud Alexander Jersey 35 days
Shippegan May 22/1845brig Ann Harper London 42 days
Shippegan May 24/1845schooner Pearl Hall Miramichi 3 days
Shippegan May 25/1845brig Hope Sheridan Dublin 40 days
Shippegan May 25/1845barque Yucatan from Shippeganto Liverpooloff Scattarie
Shippegan May 29/1845brig Lady Mary Andrews Brest 38 days
ShippeganMay 30/1845Ship Charles Humbertson Seattle 7 days
ShippeganJune 17/1845ship Parsee merchant Poole Liverpool
ShippeganJune 17/1845spoke Briantine Condorspoke ship Pallas
Shippegan May 1845brig Ava McGill Bathurst
ShippeganJuly 2/1845brig Hiram Fox Brest 42 days
Shippegan July 4/1845schooner SwiftRobichaud Bay du Vin 2 days
Shippegan July 4/1845shooner Fairplay Degrace Miramichi 3 days
Shippegan July/1845barque Hero of Sindon Liverpool 28 days

Here is another page of ships for later years which covers
1845 to 1853 so far
Ships Part Two

Visit this link for a list of ships that sailed from these ports
Ships Cleared

Unoficial Ships' List

Passenger list the Thetis

Passenger list the Eliza Liddell

Ship arrivals with passengers, U.K. to Bay Chaleur N.B.

This page was designed by Irene Doyle 1998
Updated March 2001