

The following is a brief, on the sons of Henry H. Davis, Sr., who served in the U.S. Military. There were a total of eight sons, and six of the seven served in war zones. The other son died when he was an infant. I am very proud of the service that the Davis boys gave to this wonderful country.

1. Samuel Cecil Davis, Sr.: Accepted for enlistment at the Navy Recruiting Station, Savannah, Georgia, and enlisted at the Navy Recruiting Station, Macon, Georgia, on December 15, 1941. On December 16, 1941 assigned to the United States Navy Training Center, Navy Operations Base, Norfolk, Virginia. On January 9, 1942 completed four weeks of Naval Recruit Training, and transferred to the Naval Air Station, Anacostia, D.C., for Aerographer Training, arriving on January 16, 1942. April 15, 1942 advanced to Seaman Second Class. On June 15, 1942 advanced to Seaman First Class. On August 1, 1942 appointed to Rate of Aerographer Third Class. On September 1, 1942, Rate changed top Aerographer's Mate, Third Class (Petty Officer). On March 22, 1943, Rate advanced to AerM2c. On March 23, 1943 transferred to Chungking, China, and reported to US Naval Observer, Chungking, China on July 3, 1943. On January 1, 1944, advanced to the Rate of AerM1c. On April 20, 1944, transferred to Commander, US Naval Group, China, for duty. On November 15, 1944, transferred to Commanding Officer, US Naval barracks, Washington, D.C., and temporary duty with VCNO (Recorder, Interior Control Board). Arrived at the US Naval Barracks, Washington D.C., on January 13, 1945. On March 21, 1945 transferred to the Naval Air Station, Beaufort, South Carolina. On September 13, 1945, received a Honorable Discharge from the US Navy, at the Personnel Separation Center, US Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, Florida. NOTE: Only three (3) leaves/furloughs were taken/granted during the three (3) years and nine (9) months of acitve duty, during World War II.

2. Kermit Henry Davis: Enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve in September 1939, at Savannah, Georgia. He was assigned to Headquarters Battery, 1st Battalion, 118th Field Artillery, Fort Jackson, South Carolina. Sometime during his training, he lost part of three fingers on his left hand and received a Honorable Discharge with Medical conditions.

3. Jesse Phillip Davis: At the age of 18 years, 10 months, enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve, in Savannah, Chatham Co., Georgia. He was assigned to Headquarters Battery, 1st Battalion, 118th Field Artillery, Fort Jackson, South Carolina. On January 20, 1941 he attained the rank of Private First Class. On August 26, 1941 he transferred to the 30th Division, Anti-Tank Battalion (Prov.). On September 16, 1941 he received an Honorable Discharge from the U.S. Amry Reserve, Fort Jackson, South Carolina. On December 15, 1941 Jesse enlisted in the U.S. Navy Reserve, at the Navy Recruiting Station, Macon, Georgia with the rate of Seaman Apprentice, Class V-6, for a period of two years. On December 16, 1941 he arrived at the U.S. Naval Training Center, Norfork, Virgina, and assigned to the Armed Guard School, AGS-Security Base, Little Creek, Virginia. On January 21, 1942 he completed training at the Armed Guard School, and assigned to Gun Crew 87E. Sometime between January 22, 1942 and February 6, 1942, Jessie was assigned to the Liberty Ship, S.S. Bering, and departed New York on February 6, 1942, enroute to Colombo, Ceylon, with stops in Port of Spain, Trinidad, and Capetown, South Africa.(to be cont)

4. James Huston Davis, Sr. Joined the US Navy on 15 Dec 1941, and after boot camp, he was assigned to the USS Jouett, a destroyer, as a Torpedoman. He remained with this ship during the entire war. This destroyer took part in helping to sind U-Boat 128, off the coast of Barzil. Also, with the USS Omaha, intercepted a German blockade runner, SS Rio Grande, with a vital cargo of crude rubber. After the crew abandoned ship, the Omaha and Jouett sank the German ship. This action took place on New Year's day, 1944. The USS Jouett took part in the Normady invasion, off Omaha Beach. (Con't) :

5. Henry Hartridge Davis, Jr.:

6. Hiram Williams Davis, Sr.: The first four years were served in the U.S.Navy, aboard the heavy crusier USS Helena (CA75). Joined the U.S. Army, and served two tours of duty in the Republic of South VietNam. CON'T

7. Joseph Daniel Davis, I.: Completed twenty years and seventeen days, and retired from the U.S. Air Force, on 1 July 1976, at Offutt AFB, Omaha, Nebraska. Served a tour of duty at DaNang AFB, in the Republic of South VietNam, from 13 December 1968 to 5 December 1969. I was assigned to the 6940th Security Squadron.

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