You are the visitor
You will find links here to many talented artists who have kindly
offered Graphics, Backgrounds, and other Gifs free for the taking.
this is a wonderful thing for them to do for us
and we all need to respect thier Gifts and not abuse!
Some of the Links you find here
do not mind linking back to thier page directory but others do!
It makes thier page harder to access
for more information on this click on the Web Prestige button above.
Please read all the terms and conditions for each site
And give the Artist the recognition they deserve
by giving them the credit for the artwork you use on your page
I would like also to ask if anyone should know the original Artist for the flowers or any other gifts that I have used and not given credit to please Email me so the proper credit may be given. Some were sent to me by friends who could not remember who they were from and they were so beautifully done that I have used them and hope I may find the original Artist.