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The Role of Civil Government

by Rich Bingham

What is the role of law and civil government?  Civil government involves inspirational leadership as well as institutionalized force.  The leaders should be wise and seek to guide their people as a shepherd leads his flock.  Of all things, a civil leader should exhort his people to follow Yahweh, the one True God.  This sets the moral standard for all other things.  Secondarily, the civil leadership is commissioned by God to carry out his just vengence, either through war or court, and to force just restitution.  The man-centered, humanist, socialist or secular view of government denies or twists all of the godly functions.  This view would have civil leaders deny God by refusing to lead others to Him.  It commits injustice by not doing justice in the name of God.  Furthermore, it expands the role and power of government to include those duties held only by God, families and non-government institutions, duties such as providing for others (education, food, shelter, medicine, capital, etc.).  The Godly government protects property so that other individuals and institutions are able to make provision.  The ungodly government takes much property to itself to waste it, leverage others with it, and give it to those with power all in the name of provider.  In truth, such government is the great squanderer.

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