a division of In the World Ministries
Romans 12:2  Do not be conformed to this world

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My site is dedicated to Christian living, plus you'll find some stuff about sewing & needlework, some of my favorite hobbies.  But, before I get started, there's a formality I must attend to.

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Geocities offers a really cool program for free web sites (if you want more information, click on the link at the bottom of the page).  In order to offer these pages for free, they need sponsors.  As you can see, there is a sponsor banner above.  They are accessed at random from geocites and placed on the page.  I have no way of knowing which ad you're viewing now.  Therefore, the presence of a banner on my site does not constitute an endorsement, by me, for the company, products or service advertised.

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Links from my sites to others are provided for your information.  Some sites are Christian and some are not.  I do not necessarily agree with all the material on any of my links.  Therefore, the presence of any particular link does not constitute an endorsement, by me, of the site.  Please use discernment and test all things against the truth of Scripture.

Disclaimer 3:
Articles contained in this site and any resources therein represent the point of view of the author.  They do not necessarily represent my point of view, but are included because I believe they contain valuable information that you may not otherwise receive.

That said, let's move on!

My family

I married Rich in January 1989 (which is why I chose my address as 1989).I am My Kids Mom We have 4 beautiful children: Wilhelmina (see Teeny Bear's Page!), 10/91; Jonah, 12/93; Lily (Lily's Pooh Page), 7/95; and Esther, 10/97. I'm a Christian, stay-at-home, homeschooling mom, dedicated to giving my children the best upbringing they can have.  I enjoy needlework & sewing, reading, Bible study, and worship dance. Association of Christian Web
AuthorsIn my spare time I write the newletter for my homeschool support group, magage this and Rich's web sites, participate in a couple of e-mail lists, and am trying to get started in web page design. And my latest accomplishment: as of December 6, 1998, I am a brown belt in Wado-Ryu karate!

Introduction to and Purpose of This Site

In the past couple of years, my husband and I have been increasingly concerned with the state of Christianity. In the verse I quoted above, Christians are warned not to be conformed to the world we live in.  The complete verse, Romans 12:2, is:
    Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.*
Yet, we see the church conforming more and more to the ways of this world.  And not only conforming, but actively promoting them with church sponsored programs.  In John chapter 17 verses 6-19 Jesus prays for His disciples.  In this prayer, we see that the disciples, and all Christians, are living in a world that is not theirs.  We belong to another world, the Kingdom of God, and are living in this world only for a time.  Jesus says, "They are not of this world, just as I am not of the world" (vs 16).  He continues in verse 18 saying, "as You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world."  We have been sent into the world to be salt and light. We are to be different, yet so much of what I see in Christianity is the same as what I see in the world.  Dusted off a bit, perhaps, but same none the less.  Brothers and sisters, how can we be lights to unbelievers if we look the same as they do?  We must learn to live "in this world" without becoming "of the world."

Many believe, and teach, that if the Bible doesn't directly say "You must," or "You must not," we have liberty to choose our direction and path.  I agree, to a great extent, but I believe this expresses a limited view of Scripture.  First, Scripture teaches that His glory is revealed in Creation.  By stepping outside of the bounds of His creation, we are missing His perfect will for us.  Second, Scripture is filled with principles, both absolutes and truisms.  Biblical principles apply to every situation, and Scripture may well reveal what direction we should choose even though it is not directly stated.  Because these things are not as obvious as a direct "You must," or "You must not," they are frequently neglected in the church--though they can be backed up by Scripture.  Perhaps the church is trying to preserve unity or avoid legalism--and they should--but in doing so, they are leading many into the world instead of out of it.

So, who am I, you may ask, that I would question things that the church has been teaching?  Well, no one really.  I have no books to my credit.  I've not been to seminary or taken any theology classes.   I'm a mom who's received the word and searched the Scriptures for answers as Acts 17:11 says:

    These [the people of Berea] were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.*
If the Bereans were more fair-minded for checking on Paul, the man who authored much of what we now know as the New Testament, than surely I can check on what I'm being taught, especially when the teaching seems to be dividing where it should be unifying and pulling down where it should be edifying.  And if I discover they have missed the mark, do I not have a duty to expose it?

In my site, you will find articles and essays, written by myself or others, that present a Biblical perspective on some of the practices we've come to accept in our Christianity today.  Many of these thoughts were very difficult for me when the Lord first showed them to me, so I'm not claiming they are easy to accept.  Hopefully, though, they will make you think and strengthen your walk with the Lord.

For my own part, the Lord has led me in my role as a wife and mother.  Through Scripture, circumstances, books, friends, and prayer He has placed a burden on my heart for our families.  Most of the articles I will author will be in relation to
family topics.  My husband will likely author articles on the role of civil government.  I also hope to have articles and links on other topics, as well.


Family Topics
Government & Law

I recommend reading through the introductory pages, but if you're looking for a specific article, try here: QuickNav by BeSeen.com

*Scriptures here, and througout my site, are from the New King James version of the Bible unless otherwise noted.

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September 15, 1998

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Many thanks to Nessa's Heavenly Creations for the blue lace border background and matching lace motifs as well as the blue textured background and matching masculine motifs.  Pay her a visit!