1. Identity Crisis

Photography [*'s express my opinion. (no *'s = Does not fit within the general parameters on which I base my ratings)]:

  1. John Davies, Photographs by - *****
  2. John Mack's Photos of PARIS - *****
  3. Patrolling Despair, by Olivier Laude(?) - *****
  4. Paul Souders Photography(?) - *****
  5. Sight Photography - *****
  6. Life magazine. Some decent shots. - ***
  7. Smithsonian(?) - ***
  8. Oleg Volk's work - **
  9. Eastman Kodak Company
  10. NASA

Other Links:

  1. Warner Brothers Web Cards
  2. CardWorks (send cards via the net)
  3. Metro (take the bus, avoid the fuss)
  4. American Slanguages


  1. Calvin & Hobbes Comics
  2. Peanuts
  3. Marmaduke
  4. Luann
  5. Drabble
  6. Arlo and Janis
  7. Doonesbury

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