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This is the love of my life, Lt. This picture was made when he was approximately one year old.

When the pet store called, we went to choose our ferret. When we saw Lt., my husband said, he is the one. I said no, he looks too much like a skunk with the white stripe down his head. We finally decided he was the one and he became our second ferret. He was so tiny, but he loved chasing my husband around the coffee table. I named him for my son who was a Lt. in the Army at the time. If I could have a favorite, it would have to be him. He loves me most of all. When he wakes from a nap, he always has to come find me and tell me he is up. In his waking hours he makes every step I do. He wants me to hold him and give him treats. He likes bananas. celery, raisins, broccoli if it’s home grown, apples, grapes, marshmallows, and ferretone. He usually wakes me up every morning by biting my feet.

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Lt. loves to play in paper bags, but mostly just loves to play!

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These boxes are almost as much fun as bags!

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Presents are sooooooo much fun!

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Gosh, all this playing has made me sleepy!

Yes, I think a nap would be nice.




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