Scenes from Winter 2001


A late-night tree decorating party


Light o' my life

A bit blurry, but what an ornamental bunch!

A visit with Santa at Daddy's company kid's party

Marlon was too shy to sit with Santa, but he did chat a bit

A nice lady painted my face with a butterfly

Checking out the presents Santa gave us. A butterfly mobile kit for Tory, a magnetic construction play set for Marlon


Decorating cookies is one of Marlon's favorite parts! He's got a sweeth tooth!

Tory loves to decorate them, then give them away!


This guy stood on his head and played Christmas songs on a kazoo while clapping his feet! What a crazy Christmas cow! He also made balloon sculptures for us.

He makes whatever you ask for! Tory requested a swan, Marlon asked for a flying dinosaur.


On To Christmas Eve Photos


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