We Wish You a Joyous Holiday and Fantastic New Year!

Click on Rudolph to see some pictures of our bunch this season.


Who am I?

Hi, I'm Karen, usually known around the web as "loislane." I hail from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, a vibrant city a stone's throw east of the Rocky Mountains, home of the world famous Calgary Stampede. My family includes my groovy husband Miles, an editor at the Calgary Herald newspaper and talented musician, my sweet genius daughter Victoria (Tory), 7, my bright and adorable son Marlon, 3, and two happenin' stepsons, Angus, 15, and Kieran, 12.

I'm what you'd call a WAHM - work at home mom. I freelance to the Calgary Herald, stories which appear on the Canadian Press newswire and subsequently sneak into papers across the country. I've had features run from sea to shining sea. I have finished a magazine piece for Today's Parent magazine, and I have done contract grunt work for Redbook magazine. Besides all this stuff, I have three children's picturebook manuscripts in the works.

In the past year, Miles has been battling a chronic illness and our lives were really turned upside down. Read more about that here. He's gotten much better now and we are truly thankful for all the support our friends and family have shown us!


Me and the cowpokes during Calgary Stampede


Why a website?

Being a WAHM and writer, I am interested in networking with others - sharing parenting tips, debating current parenting philosophy, penny-pinching tips, recipes and anything else WAHMS (and WAHDs) could use to make life at home a better-organized, fun and fulfilling experience for parents and kids. It's my contention that we don't need to lose our intelligence and creativity in the process of spending our days with the wondrous minds of our wee ones!


I'm still working on various aspects of this website, so if you find a link inactive, be patient. New and improved pages will appear regularly!


This site is still under construction, so some links may not be active. Check back frequently; bookmark now!

Newsmom's Extras -- Read All About It

Tory's page

Marlon's page

Kids and Reading! Book Reviews, Our Log and More!

 Family Photo Gallery

 Links I Like

Messing Around

Kid Recipes!

 Summertime Fun! Crafts, Games, Activities, Recipes!

Halloweeen 2000







Mail: newsmom@geocities.com



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In Memory of the victims of the September 11th Attacks on the World Trade Centre, Pentagon, and victims and heroes on the flights and on the ground.


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