Fishin' for minnows, August 2001


Hi! I'm Victoria Koreen, and I am now seven years old! Most people call me "Tory," but my parents call me all kinds of weird names -- lately it's been "The Tiddler," or just "Tid." My birthday is July 14, 1994. I had a beach party this year, and my friends and I spent lots of time in the lake with my favorite present, a big inflatable dolphin I named "Roxanne."


We don't have any pics up of my 6th or 7th birthday yet (Mom's been busy!), but you can see pictures of my 5th, which was ages ago in kid years, here.


July 2,000 near Newport, Oregon



My favorite things in the world include ponies and horses. I rode a pony for the first time on July 12, 1998, and ever since, I have wanted to do nothing else. Well, except maybe for swim with dolphins and orcas. Here's a picture of me on the pony. I was only 4 years old then!
Its name was Taffy. Pony I have now ridden several horses and ponies, and I keep them in my head for remembering. Their names are; Taffy, Magic, Jessie, Lady, Grumpy, Jocko and Cutiepie. I can add Skye to that.

Last summer I visited my Aunt Emily and Uncle Mark in Sedro Woolley, WA, and they had horses and a minature donkey. I was in heaven!

I love to play with horse toys, beanie babies, read and draw. I have a little brother named Marlon and he has gotten to be a lot of fun now that he is older. We play together a lot.

I collect horse toys and anything to do with horses, and I also started collecting the 80s toy, My Little Pony (check out my page!).I have a whole box full of those!

I like to watch TV, too, but I can't do it too much because my mommy says too much won't help my brain grow. My favorite TV shows are Angela Anaconda, Crazy Quilt, Little Bear, Dragon Tales and Zoboomafoo. I also like the animal tapes mom gets from the library by National Geographic.



I also collect Beanie Babies, though I want their tags off first thing so they aren't worth anything to anybody but me, but hey -- they are for kids, and kids PLAY with them, right? My collection includes; Inky the Octopus, Dotty the Dalmatian, Derby the Horse, Mystic the Unicorn, Squealer the Pig, Snip the Siamese Cat, Scorch the Dragon, Bruno the terrier, Spunky the Spaniel, Fleece the Lamb, Gigi the Poodle, Whisper the Deer, Aurora the Bear, Flashy the Peacock, Propellor the Flying Fish, Cashew the Bear, and more. Several of these are retired ones!




I just started Grade Two this August. My new teacher is really nice. I am at a new school this year and I'm getting to meet new friends.

I am still interested as I have been for a couple of years now, in the human body and all the different systems of the body. I also like learning about animal biology and anatomy, planets and dinosaurs. Last summer we went to the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology and I loved it. I can't wait to go back, it was so interesting!


My best friend's name is Helena. I met her in my kindergarten class last year, and even though I have moved away from that neighbourhood, we still have sleepovers and e-mail each other. We have some secret words and call each other "Budagig!"





Me, with my Auntie Bev and my brother, Marlon at the zoo

Summer 1999


Here are some links to my favorite things:


  • I love to draw, and of course, I love Crayola's Paint 'n Play Pony CD!

  • More Beanie Babies! I sleep with a different one every night!

  • Some of my best & funnest toys come from Discovery Toys!

  • I like to build with Megabloks.

  • My favorite authors! Check out The Napping House, Heckedy Peg, and lots more!

  • When I had my Little Mermaid phase, this was a great place to go!
  • Humongous -- Fun demos, fun activities, I love Putt Putt and Pajama Sam!

  • When I got sparkle Silly Putty in the carpet, mom was thrilled to find Crayola stain guide

  • Here is another horse-loving girl's site that I love to visit! Check out Brianna's Horse Page


    Thanks for visiting my page, and I hope you come back again!!


    These were "back" when I was 5!


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