All photos on this page were generously contributed by Wilma (Charles) Steele.
Annotated by Dodie (Smith) Browning
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The nurses home was actually a nursing school. In those days, many hospitals trained nurses and maintained schools of nursing. As a five year old child, I spent most of my time at the hospital, where my Mother worked and my favorite place was the "nursing home" where I spent many hours with the Director of Nursing, a Ms. Martha Robinette. The student nurses lived at the "nursing home" but that is also where the class rooms were. Looking back, it was rather like a dormitory, with Miss Robinette (a beautiful blond haired lady) serving as house mother, teacher, mentor and role model for the student nurses. Nurses in those days, wore spotless, starched white uniforms, white stockings (before nylon) and white "nurses" shoes. Their starched snow white nursing caps proclaimed their pride in their profession. The shape of their nursing caps and the color of the ribbon stripes across the band of their caps designated where they went to school and their level of training. Remember that the nurses in those days were all women!
Our guest book crashed and I have not been able to contact the server. Hopefully it will be back up and running soon. In the meantime, please use my Class of 1955 Memories Guest book.