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page last updated Monday,  FEBRUARY 7  2000

The Cruey's: Greg and Cheryl, Hannah and Abigail

  • Greg works at Bluefield State College in Bluefield, West Virginia, in the college's Financial Aid Department at the moment. He moves to a position with the Veterans Upward Bound program at the college on March 1. He also writes webpages for the Internet in his spare time and edits Southeast Asia for Visitors for
  • Cheryl is a reading specialist and Title I teacher at War Elementary School in McDowell County, West Virginia.
  • Hannah, age 14, is a student at Tazewell High School, a latin student, a soccer player and an aspiring artist.
  • Abigail, age 12, attends Tazewell Middle School, where she was a cheerleader this year during football season. She loves animals and building igloos in the snow.
  • Boots is the dog, a black and white Pekingese who likes to eat and sleeps a lot.

Summer Travel

Coming Eventually!!!... the 1999 summer trip to the Chattahoochee National Forest and the Smokies.

Read about Cheryl's 1998 trip to Nagshead

Travel along on the Cruey's 1998 trip to the New River and see the Mountain Laurel...


Who did Cheryl and Greg see in concert last year?

Kenny Chesney, for starters, in Dublin, Va. And Marty Stuart. And Gary Allan at the Rich Valley Fair in Smyth County, Va. Still to come this year?

Looking for info on previous concerts Greg and Cheryl have been to? Click here to see stuff on past concerts Greg and Cheryl have been to... or check out the complete contents of the Cruey's (mostly county) music section.

Check out the page of wedding photos!!!

A few links...

UT Football

The Volunteers of the University of Tennessee were national champs in 1998 and finished in the top 10 in college football last year. How will they do this coming year?...

Go to the UT Football page.

Listen to the band play Rocky Top in WAV format (733k).

No Gators Allowed

Click the ugly gator to go to the Gator Hater's page...

Third Party Links

University of Tennessee FOOTBALL
Dale Jarrett
Bobby Labonte


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