Rose Grown and Photographed by Kelly A Morin

Great sources for garden supplies and garden tips online is Spring Hill Nursery, Rebbeca's Garden, and Park Seed.

A good flower bulb for Northern California is the Calla Lilly. They bloom in early to mid-summer, and are usually 18" to 24" tall. They come in pastel and brilliant colors and in white. They can be planted in the ground or in containers. The bulbs should be lifted in the extreme North. They grow well in shade to part sun, and are deer resistant.

Another great bulb is the caladium. The brighten shady spots with bright colorful foliage until the first frost. They grow 15" to 20" tall. The bulbs must be lifted in the extreme North. Perfect for shade to part shade and are deer resistant.


Cheerful daisy like flowers bloom in late spring til frost. Plants grow to 15" tall. They like full sun and are deer resistant.

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