Washington Boro Police Department

Chief George G. Cortellesi

100 Belvidere Ave.Washington, New Jersey 07882
Phone# (908)689-4646 from 8:00am to 4:30pm
After hours phone# (908) 689-2111
Fax# (908) 689-8463

Welcome to the homepage of the Washington Boro Police Department.
Washington Borough is 1.9 square miles and is located in Northwestern Warren County. The last census indicated that there are 6,474 residents in Washington Borough. Our Police Department has thirteen officers, consisting of a Chief, one Lieutenant, three Sergeants, seven Patrolman and one Detective. We have one K-9, which is active in searching out Narcotics, in the Borough and surrounding area. Our fleet contains five marked patrol vehicles, including a four wheel drive, and two marked Police Mountain Bicycles.

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History of the Department

Community News

National Night Out 2003

Motor Vehicle Law Info.


Links to other sites on the Web

Warren County Dept of Public Safety
Independence Twsp Police Dept.
Washington Twsp Police Dept.
Pohatcong Twsp Police Dept.
Washington Emergency Squad
Franklin Twsp Rescue
New Jersey State PBA

Bad-Boys Web Site

Email me at gduck83@hotmail.com or washpd@goes.com

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