

Father Timothy Shea (613) 546-0418


Karla Nichols & Irma Stuart (613) 546-0418

Youth Groups.............................................................................................................................

Co-ordinator: Pat Helferty

Music Directors........................................................................................................................
Day Time Music Director
Saturday 05:30 pm Jessie Halladay
Sunday 08:45 am Senior Choir
Sunday 10:30 am Jeanne Roman & Choir
Altar Servers.............................................................................................................................

Co-ordinator: Claudette Richardson

Sister's of St. Martha............................................................................................................

Sister's of St. Martha

10 Barker Drive (613) 548-8882, Contact: Sister Myrna Aylward

Schools............................................................................................................. ...........................
Name Principal Phone
Holy Name School Mary-Lou Hamilton (613) 542-8611
St. Martha School Darlene Boucher (613) 544-4050
Regiopolis-Notre Dame High School Glen Williamson (613) 545-1902
Ecole Mgr. Remi Gaulin Carole Johnston (613) 547-6277
Cathedral School Diane Wilkin (613) 546-7555
Ecole Sec. Marie-River M-N St. Cyr (613) 546-5270

Note: Ecole Cathedrale is the Catholic French Immersion School for anglophone students, with two entry levels, one at Kindergarten or Grade 1 for the Early French Immersion Program, and one at Grade 5 for the Extended French Immersion Program.

Parish and Pastoral Council............................................................................ ...............

Pastor: Father Timothy Shea, Chair:

Catholic Women's League................................................................... .............. .............

Spiritual Director: Father Timothy Shea, President: Ann Murray, Secretary: Cathy Townsend, Treasurer: Karla Nichols, Education Convenor: Dianne Boyle, Christian Family Life Convenor:Donna Soja/ Spiritual Convenor: Lise Butler-Bowes Communications Convenor: Claudette Richardson

Knights of Columbus................................................................................ .............. .............

Chaplin: Father Timothy Shea, Grand Knight: Pat Stenson,Past Grand Knight: Guy Lahaie, Deputy Grand Knight: Brian Reitzel, Financial Secretary: Mark Levac, Chancellor: Basil Brosso, Advocate: Guy Lahaie, Recorder: Pat Helferty, Treasurer: Don Clark, Warden: Roger Levac, Guard Inside: Jeff Reitzel, Guard Outside: Peter Bodnick, Trustee 1: Mike Stenson, Trustee 2: Joe Stenson, Trustee 3: Phil Marshall, Lecturer: Bill Walker

Finance and Administration.............................................................................. ..............

Pastor: Father Timothy Shea, Chair: John Uliana


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