Beattyville is in the heart of the two counties that are the poorest in the commonwealth.
This region is without industry; therefore many of the residents are very poor. It is generally the children and older people who suffer the most.
Under the direction of the Lee County congregation, we supply clothing, shoes, household items and food to the people there.
Jim Rogers is collecting groceries, shoes, clothes, and small appliances for a few more weeks and then will deliver these goods. A list of foods that are needed can be gotten from the Kentucky tables in the foyer. One of the top priorities is to provide food that children can prepare. These specific foods have been very successful in that area.The specific foods needed are: |
Powdered Milk |
Breakfast Drink (Tang/orange) |
Canned Meats |
Spaghetti Sauce |
Canned Fruit |
Canned Peas |
Canned Green Beans |
Canned Corn |
Peanut Butter |
Jelly |
Pinto Beans (bagged & dried) |
Rice |
Sloppy Joe Mix (canned) |
Mac & heese |
Oatmeal |
Spaghetti |
Spaghettio's |
Tuna |
Our congregation sponsors the Taylor family and helps support the Reynolds family who make their homes in Yendi.
Not only is the mission there to teach Christ to the Ghanaians but to help them with their medical problems. Both Steve Taylor and Cindy Reynolds are registered nurses and are committed to showing God's love though their talent of nursing.
A Child Care Center has been established there to help mothers and babies/young children. The infant death rate is nearly 50%. The rate has improved since the center and its work has been there.
Visits to a leper colony nearby are made to give drugs, bandages and other aid to the residents there.
All things are done without charge.
Be sure to put your Ghana donations on the table in the foyer. Gene and Judy Britton will be delivering these supplies to the Reynolds in Athens, AL before mid-September. They will be shipping a crate the size of a semi trailer to Yendi. A list of needed items can be found in the foyer underneath the bulletin box.
Mid-Western Children's Home near Pleasant Plain in southern Warren County is a Church of Christ sponsored home for children who are in need of a family group to care for them in their time of need.
Besides sponsoring special events for the families, servicing and repairing equipment and helping maintain and repair houses, we supply new and gently used items.
Items such as sporting equipment, games, small appliances and home décor items are put to good use.
Items that can be used: |
baby clothing and blankets |
baby medicine spoons, aspirators |
sippy cups |
children's books |
good, usable toys |
good, usable clothing |
shoes and boots |
blankets and linens |
small working appliances |
sports equipment |
games |
crafts |
large pots and pans |
G-rated videos |
lawn tools |
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