If you feel the need to pray for any of these people or circumstances, that is what this is here for. Just take a moment now, or print/bookmark it for later. If you want to share with one of the people on the list, go ahead and email me, and I will make sure they get the message. To email me, click here: kedward@gte.net If the "mailto:"feature does not work, write it down and email me! Thanks! Christi~~ Pray that she can apply what she reads in the Bible, enabling her to witness to those around her, especially as she goes to Mexico on her Spring Break. Pray that she and her team are protected, physically, as well as spititually. Sarah B.~~ A friend in college who is really struggling. Pray that she can find a job and most of all, do what God wants her to do. "Manley"~~ A friend from http://www.chatting.com who does not believe the Bible is true. I pray that he will have burning coals upon his head (Poverbs25:22) and will someday see the truth of the Bible. Lisa~~ A very nice lady who is really dealing with some big issues. Pray that she continues to overcome sinful habits, and keep growing in the Lord. Christi's Mom~~ She is looking for a job, and has been improving in several ways in her life. Praise Him for that! Pray that she and the family can stand up to the pressure that Satan is putting on them, as he does on any family. Satan does not like intact homes! Pray for theirs, and yours as well! Neil Ahrens~~ Director, Teens For Christ. He is under a lot of pressure. Pray that he will see where he needs to let others do things he COULD do, but should not, that he would continue to stand in the Word, and so fight against Satan's attacks. Pray that he and his family depend on each other, as they trust God from day to day. Nooksack Valley Baptist Church, and staff, including Pastors. Pastors are always under attack, especially those who are doing the will of God. Pray that the pastors can sleep well, meditate on the Word, and have a clear focus on what God would have them do, day to day, not only with the church, but in their marriages and families as well. Milton and Cody~~ Good friends of the family. God has been doing marvelous things in their lives of late. Pray that they will continue to hear God, in reading the Scripture, and hearing the Pastor speak each week, and apply it to their lives. Danny S.~~ A new friend, who is trying to deal with a divorce, and is very lonely. Pray that he will learn to evermore trust in the Lord, and lean upon Him for strength. Pray that I will be able to be there for him, more, and be as a friend should! My family~~ As we prepare to move to Idaho, and wrap up things here. My family serves in different ways, and people will have to take up where we will be leaving. Pray that the right people will step up to continue the service. Pray for us as we learn to trust each other, and more importantly, continually lean on Him for strenght from day to day. Marie~~ My mom, who was involved in an accident, and is still hurting from that. Pray that as she continues therapy, that God will heal her, and she can do the day-to-day things she needs to, without a lot of pain. George Weber & Family~~ Missionaries in Bangledesh. They have somewhat recently moved, and are settling in a new area. Pray that they will be effective, and not succumb to the wiles of the Devil. "Sir Bryant", chat buddy. He is a bit older than I, and has a wife, and, I think, kids. He is struggling with some things in his life (as we all do at times!) Many of these things can be applied to you, or those around you. I hope that you can use this page. If you would like me to add something to the list, email me, and let me know!kedward@gte.net [Main] [MyPics] [Links] [Photos] [Poems] [My Thoughts On...] [Updates] [Hymns & Favorite Songs] This page hosted by Get your own Free Home Page |