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Beyond the Heavens

One night I stood there, gazing
Up into the starry heavens-so amazing!
How HE started all that, with his hand.
And, also, this beautiful, spacious land!

Then, out of the darkness, I heard an inquiry:
"Are you looking at the stars, all bright and silvery?"

"No," I replied. "I'm looking....beyond the heavens."

I was asked, sometime earlier in my life,
"Can't you hardly wait?! For a career, a house and wife?"
"Well, yes, I can," I quickly said.
For I have this idea, here in my head.
See, many years with Christ I've come-
so for me- I can hardly wait- for my celestial home.

I can hardly wait....for the other side- beyond the heavens.

Sometimes, many times, I think of eternity.
I try, useless as it is, to think of how long it'll be.
If the years were seconds,since time began,
we could go that long, and then back again,
And we'd STILL not have traveled
A single MILLISECOND of eternity, I marveled!

It'll be wonderfully GLORIOUS to be beyond the heavens!
This was written in early November, 1993

Written in Early 11/93

I Wrote this next poem when I was thinking about
all my friends, and how in a few years,
everything would be different- we would have
all gone separate ways, to college, careers, choices.....
I knew that many of these things would change,
even if I could not see the changes coming....
I loved it the way that it was, the way life was going
for me. So I wrote this as an appriciation for my life,
and what God had given to me.
All I have is His!

I have so many wonderful things today-
Wonderful family and friends and I'm living His way.
I have a home, a job, and even a truck I only sort of wanted!
I have all these glorious blessings, but not to be flaunted!
For I only have them- even on loan,
From the Glorious One, from God alone.
The sun is shining, and I am loved so dearly.
Things are changing fast-always, or nearly!
I can hardly keep up- if at all!
But I can count on this: with God, I cannot fall.
No matter my future-dim, confusing and mixed-up it may seem,
It does not overcome me, for God and Ii we're a Team!
For He promised me, oh, so long ago, that He'd always be there.
And He'd be able to pull me through, here, and anywhere!
I love Him so dearly, and it hurts me so,
When I think of how I treat Him- my love I don't show.
The thing is, He's hurting even more than I am.
He's patiently waiting- for me to fully trust Him.
His unconditional love, I'm so grateful for-
It makes me want to know and love Him all the more!
I can only look forward to the inexpressable day
He will finally `fire' me up, this old pot made of clay.
For, over these years, and many more to come, He's made me better
You see, I am His lowly Servant, and He is the Potter.

Written January 29, 1994

J ehovah will reign forever
E nter His presence with fear
S inging your praise to Him
U ndieing love for Him to show
S erving Him until the end of time

C an you claim Him as your Savior
H ave you made Him Lord of your life
R ight or wrong, He'll help you decide
I n every part of you, He'll be rife
S o you need to come to Him
T oday is the day to answer His call

Written October 25, 1995

You Can Trust Him!
He's the One who made us and not we our selves,
the heavens declare the GLORY of GOD and the
firmament show His handiwork, no means or measure
can define his limitless LOVE and no far-seeing
telescope can bring into visibility the coastline
of His shoreless supply-
I'm telling you today you can trust Him!

No barrier can hinder Him from pouring out
this blessing He's enduringly strong and He's
entirely sincere, He's eternally steadfast and
He's immortaly graceful. He's imperially powerful
and He's impartially merciful, He's the greatest
phenomena theat ever crossed the horizon of this
world, He's God's Son, He's the Sinner's Savior,
He's the centerpiece of civilization.
I'm tryin' to tell you, church, you can trust Him!

He does not have to call for help and you can't
confuse Him, He doesn't need you and He doesn't
need me, He stands alone in the solitude of Himself,
He's august, He's unique, He's unparalleled,
He's unprecedented, He's supreme. He's preimmenent,
He's the loftiest idea in literature, He's the
highest personality in philosiphy, He's the
supreme problem of higher criticism, He's the
cardinal nessessity of the spiritual religion,
He's the miricle of the age, He's the supperlative
of everything good that you can call Him.
I'm trying to tell you - You can trust Him.

He can satisfy all your needs and He can do it
simultaneously, He supplys strength for the weak
and He's available for the temoted and tried, He
sympathizedand He sees, He guards and He guides,
He heals the sick, He cleansed the leper, He forgives
sinners, He discharges debtors, He delivers the
captives, He defends the people, He blesses the
young, He regards the aged, He rewards the diligent,
He beautifies the meek
I'm trying to tell you - You can trust Him!

He's the key to knowledge, He's the well-spring
of wisdom, He's the doorway of deliverance, He's the
pathway of peace, He's the roadway of righteousness,
He's the Highway of Holiness, He's the gate way to Glory.
You can trust Him!

He's the master of the mighty, He's the Captain of the
conquerors, He's the Head of hero's He's the Leader of
legislators, He's the Overseer of the overcomers, He's
the Governor of the govenor's, He's the Prince of princes,
He's the King of kings, He's the Lord of lords.
You can trust Him!

His office is manifold, His promise is sure,
His life is matchless, His goodness is limitless,
His mercy is everlasting, His love never changes,
His word is enough, His grace is sufficient, His
riegn is righteous, His yoke is easy, His burden
is light. I wish I could describe Him to you,
He's indescribable, because He's incomprehensible,
He's irresistable because He's invincable,
You can't get Him off your hands, You can't
out-live Him and you can't live without Him,
Satan couldn't stand Him when he saw He couldn't
stop Him, and Pilate couldn't find any fault in Him,
the witnesses couldn't get their testimonies together,
Herod couldn't kill Him, and Death couldn't handle Him,
and, Thank GOD, the grave couldn't hold Him.
There was nobody before Him, There will be nobody
after Him. He had no predessor. He'll have no successor.
You can't impeach Him and He's NOT going to resign.


author unknown

Jesus loves me for who I am
Not for whom I can't seem to be.
It's a struggle to follow Him,
But Jesus will love and guide me.

I am standing on the eternal Rock.
At times I will slip, trip, or maybe fall.
He'll be there, guiding me back to His flock,
Where I can listen and hear His voice call.

Yes I will again fall, someday,
But I know where I stand, you see.
I trust Him to drive fear away,
For God will always strengthen me.
Written November 5, 1995

Little, Important Me
Who am I before you, Lord?
In the scheme of the universe
I am less than a grain of sand
Yet I know from your Word
You know my life - it's course
And you hold me in your hand

You cleanse and make me whole
And You give me security and peace
You who give me a firm place to stand
So why do I turn back to the darkness like a mole
Allowing my worries and fears to grow obese
Cowering and hiding - my life seems so bland

THEN - piercing my covering veil of darkness-
A bright ray of hope and salvation
It is YOU, O Lord, who have understood me
Gently loving me, showing me no callousness
Your acceptance of me overcomes my depression
It opens my cage of bondage and sets me free

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made
Your works are wonderful, I know that full well"
And Your ways too lofty for me to attain
Help me to understand Your love will not fade
Though You know the REAL me, under my shell
And have already shared my trials, fears, and pain

I will trust in You, Lord Almighty
I hope that is very plain
For I know You are righteous and true
And ONLY in Jesus do I have security
"To live is Christ, to die is gain"-
For I will be in Heaven - with You!
Written January 27, 1998


I stand there in the silence.
The whiteness closes me in
Life seems to stand still,
Bringing back the simplicity of me.
Being me - alone.
All else fades away......

The trees stand cloaked
In the finest, softest lace
Vestiges of the dark trees
Peering through their veils
Lying in wait of spring.

Spring - another beauty for another time
Snow reigns supreme in this moment
Creating a pocket of time and space.
Alone, it is as though you're standing
In a decorative "snow bubble"
Silent. Still. Peaceful.

The flakes fall sofly on your face,
Dusting your head with white
As you stand there -
In the Silence.

Written December 27, 1998

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