{ | Home | | | My Kids | | | Friends | | | Miami | | | Poetry | | | Humor | | | Webrings | | | | | Guestbook | | | Credits | | | What's New | } |
Hi! Welcome to my home on the 'net. It seems like forever since I've updated my webpage. The day I moved in, January 21st, 1998, my goal was to learn html and java. But it was such great fun, I stuck around and built this and a few other pages that are still floating around somewhere. But nothing is forever, and my home is all packed up, covered in sheets, and dusty. I just stopped by today to post pictures from my daughter's birthday party. Who knows, maybe I'll stay a while. In the meantime, most links probably don't work, and geocities has been bought out by yahoo, so things aren't working as they used to. Happens to all of us when we get old.
All Credits declared in: Credits | (c) Maria Aleman Last Updated: July 2, 2002 |